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Prime Minister Poems - Poems about Prime Minister

Prime Minister Poems - Examples of all types of poems about prime minister to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for prime minister.
Stammering Keir Starmer
Stammering Keir Starmer.... This Keir Starmer, He's a Grandma harmer, Not a ganja farmer. He's a Bit of a dahmer, Here in Britain, Nothings calmer, Like this Man, Is a body embalmer. Where's his charm-a, A political armor, In the House of Commons, He’s a drama...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, angst, corruption, grief, judgement,
Form: Rhyme
The Mother of Parliament-- REALLY
I just watched Prime Ministers question time, What a noise like monkeys trying to mime. The speaker sits up in her chair, Both sides shout the row filling the air. This is the place from which our country is...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, business, class, culture, future,
Form: Rhyme

A Prime Minister Everyone Hates
Let the people vote for our leader show Liz Truss we do not need her a position of power growing weaker can you dream if you’re not a believer What if the people have lost...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, england, political,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Ode, To Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, was born on Christmas night, I think under a star; and became the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada, and leader of the Liberal party; son of former Prime Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Justin is...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, tribute,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Oh, Prime Minister
our, handsome Trudeau- grew a beard quite sinister, oh, prime minister; you look odd with a grey beard, and black hair- it just looks weird ! _______________________________ January 12, 2020 Poetry/Ode/oh, prime minister Copyright Protected, ID 20-1216-073-03 All Rights Reserved, 2020, Constance La...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, silly,
Form: Ode

Premium Member If I Were Prime Minister
If I were Prime Minister The air would be pure Greenery would dominate And nobody would be poor Health would be a priority & Malta would flourish Our land fully nourished The Sandy beaches will light up across the Island When the...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, change, environment, power, summer,
Form: Verse
Mr Prime Minister - the Last Lion
From Winston: “When youth departs —may wisdom prove enough” To Winston: “When spirit falters —all will to then prevail” (Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
President Not Prime Minister
President Not Prime Minister Can thin spaces be created by a Priest? Closer to God and not distance increased And about certain things I must be blunt Trying to decide what I need and want. How much longer must I...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Poor Prime Minister
Shri Lal Bahdur Shasthri, Not only one time Prime Minister of India, But also a PM since his birth, PM,poor man,I mean!...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, leadership, poverty,
Form: Light Verse
Prime Minister and Party Policy
All payments to past Prime Ministers shall stop The Prime Minister, all Ministers, Politicians, Political Aids or Backbenchers whilst in their representative positions shall conduct themselves like Australian Ambassadors twenty four hours a day, seven...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, political,
Form: I do not know?
Me Mate, the Prime Minister:
John Howard, No GST ever, if you vote me for Prime Minister Remove tax from petrol Change the word tax to levy and increase the levy to 48% John Faye, The average Australian should not be able To afford a car...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, political,
Form: Prose
Prime Minister
aristocratic leader destined for greatness supercilious Nobel prize winner war correspondant soldier Britain's inexorable prime minister diplomat par excellence with bulldog tenacity optimist Winston Churchill "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." quote is from Churchill himself...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, history, political, war,
Form: Suzette Prime
Mrs Thatcher, Ex Prime Minister
Maggie Thatcher, Iron Maiden, Tory PM, Kinnock hater,* Left the country problem laden, Voted in, she turned dictator. *Neil Kinnock: Leader of the Opposition at the time...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, political,
Form: Chastushka
From Pit To Prime Minister
Joseph was sold from a pit by his brothers To heathen traders of merchandise and spices; Whilst traveling from Jordan to Egypt— For Joseph a terrifying crisis. When they reached Egypt, He was sold to Potifer as a slave; Soon appointed...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, religion,
Form: Narrative
My Wish To Be Prime Minister
I worked so hard Had big dreams as a kid Enormous dreams I worked so hard Everything was going to plan Until a day struck like no other I was put under such hardship Until I tried again, really hard Until I was...Read the rest...
Categories: prime minister, hopeday, me,
Form: I do not know?

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry