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Primavera Poems - Poems about Primavera

Primavera Poems - Examples of all types of poems about primavera to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for primavera.

Premium Member La Primavera: a Footle On Love, Mythology, and Art
Footles, as one, regarding Spring by Sandro Botticelli Sandro Does Know: Venus- Genus Darkened, Starkened West wind Chlore sinned; Shrewd glance, Now dance Bough, her Flower; Three Grace At base Bypass Time sass, Laurels Morals Orange grove, Bee soave; Broody- Nudie Looks left, Bereft, Cupid, Stupid As love Above High arts, Babe farts Passion's Rations. March 18, 2023 A Brian Strand Premiere No 1200 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Brian...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, appreciation, humor, image, spring,
Form: Footle
Premium Member Myth of Primavera
Sandro Botticelli's masterpiece Primarvera painted in 1478 with no clear explanation for the combination of characters ...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, art,
Form: Ekphrasis

Premium Member Es Una Otra Primavera
Es una otra primavera Es una nueva temporada Un otro día de lluvia ligera cayendo Un otro día medio soleado otra vez Y una otra ocasión de presenciar Y de disfrutar de los bulbos que florecen Donde muchos pollitos azules están...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, color, flower, growth, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Primavera - Spring
Botticelli and his Primavera- a painting visually lyrical ...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
............. for Kate Somehow it seems colder roll on summer seems to have missed its mark and even as clearest blue the sky is cosseting a chill and so the temperature set itself against my will How does the sun...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, missing you,
Form: Free verse

Primavera Comes
Primavera Comes Lightly she descends-- her feet move toward us, over the crest of the Vermont hills. In her footsteps spring vernal pools; in her hair are golden willow twigs, tangled goldfinches with black-barred wings fluttering. As she passes, her breath...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, allegory, nature, seasons,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Fowls in the treetops singsonging their lines Lively squirrels climbing and racing 'cross vines Where the rainy days and sunny days seem to align In the moments where winter no longer confines. Ah, yes, February's bleakness begins to decline We...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, peace, spring, sunshine,
Form: Monorhyme
Primavera Outono Ou Outra
Privavera outono ou outra Estação de todos os anos Desde agora Nesta estação de 2017 E por todo e sempre Fica permitido que o pão de cada dia tenha no ser humano o sinal de seu suor. acima de tudo o...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, business,
Form: Free verse
On this day, the light declares victory The Sun’s unrelenting march From its Stygian, icy fortress Has at last dethroned the indolent dark The pendulum swings into the black The metronome ticks maddeningly faster Life, the sleep sand wiped out of...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, earth, life, nature, spring,
Form: Free verse
Flor De Primavera
De las auroras se integra la flor; Semblantes pretextos clarecen, Gradaciones progresivas acontecen; Aparece la luminosa flor... Esplendor ilustra tal flor; Miasmas cultivados, Perfumes emanados, Colores enmarcados; Brisas acarician su fulgor... Del destello salió la flor; Alimentada a gotas, Prospera su polen fertilizado, El viento pronuncia su...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, flower, growth, imagery, light,
Form: Free verse
Flüstern von den Bergen Früher Frühling verzaubert das Tal Eine blühende Serenade ----------------------------------------- Whisper from the mountains Early spring enchanting the valley A floral serenade ----------------------------------------- Cuchicheo de las montañas Temprano primavera hechiza el valle Una floreciente serenata...Read the rest...
Categories: primavera, nature
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things