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Present Poems - Poems about Present

Present Poems - Examples of all types of poems about present to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for present.
(Abbreviated Version) Riding the merciless waves of the past, Endless victories and defeats of History crash Upon the present surf-tormented shore, Where the voice of time stands amid the roar And entreats the future to recall and know— I told...Read the rest...
Categories: present, history, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Present, here
Regret is to feel sad, repentant, disappointed over something that has already happened, especially a loss or missed opportunity. See Regret is just another way for the darkness to cloud your future days. How...Read the rest...
Categories: present, blessing, faith, god,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member cornered
the day has come when it gets real words must turn to deeds I fear the future's now the present AP: Honorable Mention 2025 Posted on March 23, 2025...Read the rest...
Categories: present, anxiety, future, time,
Form: Free verse
Was angry at something Played football Alone among the hiding birds The evening sky Coughing colors Allergic to the grey forms the factories cause My mind lazily grazing upon the festicied crops I guess this is What present looks like No one gives a at all Building...Read the rest...
Categories: present, analogy, change, future, perspective,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
The weight of time
The Weight of Time Time moves like a quiet tide, softly stealing what once was mine. Faces blur, voices fade, memories drift like autumn leaves. The clock hands never pause, never ask if I’m ready or not. They just keep turning, pulling me...Read the rest...
Categories: present, 12th grade, 1st grade,
Form: Free verse

Clouds Of the Future in the Present Day Part 2
..continued from Part 1: Mass censorship is sadly all pervasive to the uninformed and relative luxury smitten blind, A World view bubble, Idolatry, Idiocracy Creates all sorts of trouble Stems from all sorts of unexplained places, to the ill informed Coupled...Read the rest...
Categories: present, environment,
Form: Prose Poetry
Clouds Of the Future in the Present Day
Clouds of the future, in the present day Astronomical Lies of would-be Biblical, but Judeo-Masonic deception, sleeping world enjoys its enslavement unconsciously, as though by default Majority rule is democracy? But, the majority insists on immoral high ground and...Read the rest...
Categories: present, betrayal,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member SOUL PRESENT-
Soul Present In the community of my mind I am spoken too Gentle reminders in kind Whispers pose of guidance true Financed in peace and love Agape My body, mind and soul in Renaissance In do bevelance I heed the call My Father speaks to...Read the rest...
Categories: present, blessing, celebration, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member SOUL PRESENT-
Soul Present In the community of my mind I am spoken too Gentle reminders Whispers pose of guidance Financed in peace and love Agape ~ My body, mind and soul in Renaissance In do bevelance I heed the call My Father speaks to me... As my...Read the rest...
Categories: present, analogy, devotion, god, gospel,
Form: Free verse
The Present
The moment you are witnessing, Is a miracle Glistening, Before your very eyes. A Present in disguise, Here, Souls are whispering, Hearts are Listening, Dancing to the beat. Feeling complete, Retreating to the roots, Revisiting an old way of existing. Stop resisting , Start assisting, Persisting to...Read the rest...
Categories: present, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wher Do We Live
Where Do We Live? We live in the past: Peaks and valleys, pain and suffering, joy and grief hurt and pleasure. We live in the future: Plans and fears, employment and retirement, marriage and children, health and wealth. We rarely live in the present. We are either...Read the rest...
Categories: present, life,
Form: Free verse
Hermann Hesse translation of 'Secretly We Thirst'
Hermann Hesse English Translations Secretly We Thirst… by Hermann Hesse from The Glass Bead Game translation by Michael R. Burch Charismatic, spiritual, with the gracefulness of arabesques, our lives resemble fairies’ pirouettes, spinning gently through the nothingness to which we sacrifice our beings...Read the rest...
Categories: present, birth, dance, death, dream,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Where is the Peace?
Where is Peace? When will the world learn? When? When will the humanity learn? When? Blood ocean everywhere Blood, everywhere West and East East and West Don’t find peace and love Why? There is a murderous tendency and desire of the human life. Self-interest and power create...Read the rest...
Categories: present, fate, humanity, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 4X4X4 Writers - POTD
Writers love their letters, letters turn into words. Words turn into sentences, waiting to be read. Poems come from writing, writing about the past. Maybe from the present, maybe true or false. As a faithful reader, we laugh we cry. Many love to read, yet again...Read the rest...
Categories: present, fun, poems, poets, uplifting,
Form: Free verse
Jesus is committed to your future that He placed in your present
The Lord of Psalm twenty-three is committed He will finish what he started God the Father is Able to finish what He started Composed in beauty The unity of your passion drives you The legacy of your destiny Demonstrates your...Read the rest...
Categories: present, jesus,
Form: Free verse

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