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Predicted Poems - Poems about Predicted

Predicted Poems - Examples of all types of poems about predicted to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for predicted.

Premium Member Poetry Soup Addiction
Dear lord I'm addicted All my morals are conflicted The necessities been evicted I ought to be convicted And I should be restricted As it was depicted Some would say predicted Once I became subscripted That I'd soon be afflicted And definitely unrestricted It can't...Read the rest...
Categories: predicted, addiction, poetry, writing,
Form: Rhyme
As Predicted
The storm came as predicted; It wasn’t a surprise. We’d canceled plans as every Weather forecast did advise. With lots to keep us busy, We hunkered down indoors And even did some online shopping. (Easier than stores!) The snow’s still blowing sideways; The roads...Read the rest...
Categories: predicted, storm,
Form: Rhyme

We Predicted and Depicted
We Predicted and Depicted Am watching MSNBC News. Have been investigating people in the mid-West who voted for Trump and what they would do now. What happened is what we predicted, And also, at same time had depicted; Minds up...Read the rest...
Categories: predicted, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Heaven Predicted
Forgiveness from iniquities Planting a source inside of me My Messages probably gave you insight Willingly to see myself healed and as I stumble to see You're credibly an angel that had my weight carried and a sign...Read the rest...
Categories: predicted, absence, analogy, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: ABC
Predicted Pain
I need someone to save me from myself Cause I can hurt myself more than anyone else I steal the air from my lungs with a belt I put fire onto my tongue and it melts My skin is...Read the rest...
Categories: predicted, abuse, anger, angst, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme

The Weatherman Predicted
The weatherman predicted That today would reach a high Of eighty-five degrees; I never Thought that he would lie. I didn’t take a jacket and My sockless feet are bare. I’m shivering and I would bet He doesn’t even care. He’s sitting in...Read the rest...
Categories: predicted, weather,
Form: Rhyme
Showers Predicted
It’s rained ‘most every day this week – Good news for all the flowers. We can’t complain, ‘cause weather’s whims Are not within our powers. Umbrella sellers have been pleased And stores which peddle boots; Perhaps they and the weather...Read the rest...
Categories: predicted, introspection
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry