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Pierrot Poems - Poems about Pierrot

Pierrot Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pierrot to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pierrot.

Premium Member Tears Of A Pierrot
Porcelain chalk white mask moves with silence of mime that hides a lovelorn face moonstruck by orbs of light with shadows to embrace. Porcelain chalk white mask a cloak of much disguise hides from the world a heart...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, love, sorrow,
Form: Monchielle Stanza
Sisters Pierrot
She haunted me as a child, Staring quietly from her watercolor world. Her strange presence called me. Powder-white skin and rouge cheeks, Pencil-thin brow over Dark-rimmed eyes Shedding a single tear, A pale rose between slender fingers, Seeking its...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, art, grief, paris,
Form: Free verse

A girl stood alone, In a broad daylight; I admire, Days changed, but she stood alone, Will this show end, I desire. Like Pierrot, she stood in aware, They enjoyed the live performance, There, I can see her seeping away, My...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, absence, angst, break up,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pierrot Lives In Sorrow
The people surrounding me keep asking “why are you going back and forth uneasily on the empty stage shedding crocodile tears, and telling the stories of negative effects on others, though you are not of...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, metaphor, sad, universe,
Form: Narrative
Soliloquy of a Pierrot
without warning, one day, i shall close my eyes, i wonder, in that moment, i will say “indeed i lived a good life,” or i may say “i lived my unpropitious life shoved and dragged by...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, life, metaphor,
Form: Narrative

The Dead Tree and the Pierrot
—A certain weather forecast— for he has no home to return a pierrot painted with snow-white make-up walks under the moonlight up and down restlessly under the sky, the pierrot sleeps all curled up because of the nightly chilling air, now...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, allegory, lonely, moon, weather,
Form: Free verse
Pierrot, a Lonely Soul
A lonely soul lying in the carriage driving by the Grim Leaper is Pierrot, the third class theatre performer who pretended to be happy though he was sad hiding his loneliness behind thickened white makeup. Pierrot who...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, death, sorrow,
Form: Free verse
Pierrot and His Shadow
Today too, as usual, the curtain is up though the stage is run-down it’s the only and most precious stage available for Pierrot to perform his act. When he glanced through the box from the stage he...Read the rest...
Categories: pierrot, best friend,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry