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Perks Poems - Poems about Perks

Perks Poems - Examples of all types of poems about perks to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for perks.
Premium Member Perks of the Job
Terrorists deserve ‘severance pay’ ~ Chopping off their heads would be ok ...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, dark, humor, money, murder,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member A Coffee Perks Me Up
A jolt of caffeine and suddenly I'm all bright and chirpy and on a cold day well its better then drinking a Slurpy A sip of foamy latte and I grow a funny mustache nicely served...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, analogy, drink,
Form: Couplet

Playing ball, he got great perks But still, he's a selfish ass jerk He constantly rants and rave Wanting others to be his slave So, stop being so diverse...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Perks of Old Age
We may not look forward to being old, But there are perks for those of us who get to be old, Which is a perk in itself. If you become old enough to be pensioned off, That...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, age, appreciation, autumn, blessing,
Form: Burlesque
Fringe Benefits a Plug For Perks Yo Man Living At 2 Highland Manor Drive
Fringe benefits (a plug) for perks (yo man) living at 2 highland manor drive Expanse of green acres draped like a petticoat when ye arrive birds of a feather flock together and bees gather collect nectar, pollen, and water to...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, adventure, age, america, animal,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Millionaire Salaries and Perks
Nobody from my hey-day good enough to play in today's NBA That's what they all say I say that's because now it's 'all work' a 'day-at-the-office' mentality, like a clerk ...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, basketball, business, money, sports,
Form: Rhyme
Job Perks
Furtive, I would slip away any poor excuse would do, make my way across the lawn into building twenty-two Secretive and circuitous I took an odd and winding route... While bustling they had no time to wonder what I was about Far removed from fluorescent gleam conveyor...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, appreciation, career, funny, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Perks At Highland Manor
I, (and the missus) pleased as punch residing at this Schwenksville, Pennsylvania locale, (since july first tooth house sand...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Privileges and Perks
We're members of the Gardens; We pay our yearly dues. Their parking lot, though (15 bucks!) We have to pay to use. They toss in several passes Each year when we renew, But why make members pay at all? I haven't got...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
The Perks of Life
There once was a man from Albuquerque who said he never saw a live turkey, so he traveled to the East to a place which housed the beast... now, he loves turkey breast that's quite perky!...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Being Single Has Its Perks
I was a good wife that kept a spotless house, And cooked good food each day for my dear spouse. When he mowed the lawn in the summer heat, I would bring him a cool drink, just to...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, freedom, house, humorous, love,
Form: Light Verse
The Perks of Being In Chemistry
Principle Quantum Number that stands for (n) The higher the quantum number the energy's higher again. It can be any positive integer 1,2,3 to infinity It tells us the electrons energy level, nothing to do with alkalinity. Next is...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, appreciation, cool, devotion, society,
Form: Free verse
The Perks of Being Me
A s I think B ack on all those days of C onfusion, utter D esolation, I remember E very blessing that befell me. F amily and friends and of course G od above loved and cared for me. H aving thought...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, happy,
Form: Abecedarian
Premium Member Loves Greatest Perks
I desire privileges Of loves greatest perks Nothing can compare To the feelings it creates Fill my heart full Let me feel everything All the souls desires In one joyful plunder Everything hinges On loves every bow May one day I feel it Absorb its very...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, love
Form: Free verse
He Perks Me Up
When the day is long and filled with hurt I lay in my bed and remember things that make my lips perk Like today I spilled hot water across my hand I remember the time when he bought...Read the rest...
Categories: perks, love
Form: Rhyme

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