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Perfumes Poems - Poems about Perfumes

Perfumes Poems - Examples of all types of poems about perfumes to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for perfumes.

Empyrean Perfumes
"We can't ever fathom, when the ceasing flicker of hope ...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, deep, emotions, fantasy, flower,
Form: Free verse
French Perfumes
For conquests of smells that are plain stench, Keep cornering perfumes of The French: I’d seen an animated advance Towards a wide range of these perfumes By seekers of a classic fragrance Like police dogs towards picked up fumes, Their...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, appreciation, fantasy, friend, fun,
Form: Rhyme

Perfumes of Nature
As I wake up in the morning Scent of freshly bloomed jasmine floats in air I walk out to the garden Fresh blooms sway in wind I walk toward night jasmine tree Pick up fallen flowers They smell heavenly Placing them...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, nature,
Form: Imagism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Aftershaves and Perfumes
I am someone who likes a nice smell To those who know me This I will tell I find it exciting To be caught by surprise By a beautiful scent It can mesmerize Not all scents are great Some you will hate That is...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, appreciation, desire,
Form: Rhyme
O Poder Dos Perfumes
O poder dos Perfumes Odores e perfumes têm um poder de persuasão mais forte do que palavras, aparências, emoções ou vontade. AH! o poder persuasivo de um cheiro não pode ser evitado, entra em nós como a respiração em...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, business,
Form: Free verse

Wicked wind hammering on doors and windows, Trying to storm in while we lay on a green bed, My left hand under your head, and My right hand embracing you. Your ebony breasts flapped like a pair of vanilla...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, abortion, adventure, allegory, allusion,
Form: ABC
Perfumes You Use
embalms the living body to make it sweet for decay...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, body, satire,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Pastoral Perfumes
Bright Marguerites,open and ablaze, Reflected in a sunny haze. Lilies waxed in a summer light, A Jasmined fragrance to fill the night. Perfumed petals,paper-white Intoxicate,then delight; Speaking volumes with words un-heard Silent,flowers upon which all senses merge....Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, flower,
Form: Pastoral
Spring's Perfumes
SPRING’S PERFUMES Oh, to be in East Lansing Now that spring is there ! And to see the view entrancing And drink cool Miller beer. To be in East Lansing’s main street, Downwind of the rubber-tire...Read the rest...
Categories: perfumes, funny, urban,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things