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Pending Poems - Poems about Pending

Operation Pending
There, on the horizon looms a darkness, this uncertainty, an unknown, the future, inevitable. Daunting, imposing, inexorable. Fated to suffer, forecasted pain. My outcome resides in the hands of those so skilled....Read the rest...
Categories: pending, angst, heart, scary,
Form: Free verse
The future - present in the past... Travellers of time persisting. Duality - a duel of vast... In two with missions existing. Cyborg out for termination. Determination - soldier sent Whose purpose lies in salvation... Proposal - killing to prevent. Their race to...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, science fiction, violence, visionary,
Form: Rhyme

Pending business
I hope the day we go I'd have cried all my sadness and I'd have understood what now I don't and that we'd look at each others eyes without ressentiment or fear without any pending business with only love... Jessica...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, loss,
Form: Free verse
A life is pending on the earth. as it is a dream of mine. It is not necessary that he be a human. A flower can also hold a dream. A river can also make a...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, 11th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pending upon incumbent
I aghast viewed the evidence..Palpable obvious formerly Not imagable now so excrable, i felt sick deep inside; felt Nausea as a tide.)) Stand..' I felt the need to denounce' So I decide..To announce' this tyrants, term it should...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, appreciation, education, goodbye,
Form: Didactic

Pending cases lie, plaintiffs die
Courts oblivious, on blissful high, Poor plaintiffs on a long wait die, The system still stays put On same age-old input, Mothballed, the pending cases lie. Perfection, a vague search, Totter in wobbly lurch, Load of cases on deathbed lie, The price paid...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, judgement,
Form: Limerick
Is Pending
The freedom which will make her attitude strange, is pending The time when in my disliked acts she'll engage, is pending The new constitution makes unlawful every pleasure The death for which ropes now we have to arrange,...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, absence, for her, myth,
Form: Ghazal
Premium Member The Pending Doom
I aped to a blue heron to a man who wrote his deed. Once you're at the final of the story, no woe is needed. If death appeared to be appropriate, life would be aimless. If you have...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, anger, appreciation, confidence, death,
Form: Couplet
Love In Pending
Bamused of searching for pearch, Where there is no despondency, To find saint in living. The more i search, The more bootless i found. My heart became lonely, Depression follows my path, Courage became tedious to divulge, Being my only sterling grants, I...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, emotions, girlfriend, i love
Form: Free verse
Accept My Pending Proposal
As the night wait for day And light give lighted way And dream goes awake Give right tune to my day My moral goes new hike By the inspiration of her eyes Her view fill me like lighted sun Inspire me to...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, desire,
Form: Lyric
Pending Mayhem
P eace denied for profit and idealism A dmiration for false leaders N eighbourhoods run by gangs D evotion manipulated to be misunderstood E nlightenment set on fire M ovements become violent O pportunity means...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, conflict, culture, fear, word
Form: Acrostic
Friend Request Pending
I may not be alone, yet know how lonely it is to be alone. A spectrum of less visible light. Desperate for message on a forgotten phone. You see other people, in love or friendly congress. In disgusted annoyance you scoff, secretly...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, care, depression, friend, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Pending Decision
on stalactite tip droplet to let drop; or not a stalagmite stalls Note: A stalaCtite grows from the Ceiling A stalaGmite grows from...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, imagery, nature,
Form: Haiku
Pending Royalty
Along the memory lane, Walking, Neolithic Mesopotamians! A potter pioneering the first wheel stone, The wooden wheels under the chariots rolling down! The Wheel rolling up and down endorsing circle of life! Accelerating the pace time to time! The invention...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, community, feelings, imagination, journey,
Form: Verse
The Title's Pending
There was a time, within my darkly disposed as naive ignorance Amid this place it's age their tainted stage; living certain fragments Shattering his child in what I dispise today ? Down the path of broken Glass and...Read the rest...
Categories: pending, art, baby, cancer, love,
Form: I do not know?

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