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Pander Poems - Poems about Pander

Premium Member Is it pandering?
Is it pandering? Will camo hat with name do them any good? Next will be the dead deer draped across the hood. ha ha I just thought of something stupid. Deer can't read....Read the rest...
Categories: pander, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Pander Michigander With Pander
what we will pander may be a Michigander gets up her dander Gretchen Whitmer...Read the rest...
Categories: pander, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Pander Slander
An incredibly bad cartoon Shows the wife beneath a tycoon Though inopportune She will see at noon Solicitor Peter Balloon...Read the rest...
Categories: pander, word play,
Form: Limerick
Pander Pander and Plunder the Bin
“Now listen to Nanny, while the nurse gives you a shot. I’ll tie your hands fast, so you can’t throw a swing. Potion injected will tend to burn hot. Like and consider all people. And now go into...Read the rest...
Categories: pander, political,
Form: Rhyme
Pander Republicans With Gerrymander
Pander Republicans with Gerrymander We found Republicans to be a philanderer; And presume do like to bother and pander; Create pain; Went insane; Have gone far out and would gerrymander. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: pander, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry