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Ojo Poems - Poems about Ojo

Premium Member I Feel So Little Send Me what you heard around the worlds said It is Good It feels Like Good Energy
...United States (US): United Kingdom (UK): Australia (AU): Germany (DE): France (FR Spain (ES): Italy (IT): Netherlands (NL) Poland (PL): Sweden (SE): Japan (JP): Canada (CA): T......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, adventure, america, analogy, beauty,
Form: Free verse
...Ko’si ewu loko Longe Longe fun ara re ni Ewu It’s at a start when I call on my soul,my flesh and my masculinity to take beyond the disappointment of my actions and bear the consequences of my r......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, allusion, deep, devotion, fate,
Form: Free verse

Time's Tender Tidings
...You look not your age, due time knocks... Beauty is key to the prompt guise locks, Off eyes gauge that seek thy real face Value, be known to mind's pencil trace. Aging stories are not cook up......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, africa, age, appreciation, birthday,
Form: Crystalline
Premium Member Por Favor, No Me Ames - Please, Don'T Love Me
...No cantes para mí, vida mía. No cantes más para mí. Cuando tu ojo ya no llore, porque ya no soy, No cantes para mí, mi amor. No pienses en mí, querida. No pienses en mí nunca mas Cuando sueñ......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, angst, lost love, romance,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Ojo Caliente
...Ojo Caliente Call on John to submerse me in the Holy waters of the Ojo Caliente Cleanse me deep In the high desert heat Hidden in New Mexico Where the ancients came to breathe ne......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, baptism, faith,
Form: Rhyme

Nature of Reunion
...My heart roared like an hungry lion In haste for prey to feed my roaring heart But tedious to capture The Lion and the Jewel departed for nine years Without saying goodbye I wandered around l......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, absence, i love you,
Form: Free verse
The Falcon
...A Falcon soared skyward Gracing and inspiring the world. She dived from the peak And attacked with her beak. She poises her wings And pierces the mind with a wink. Her eyes are like two j......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, allegory, beauty, bird, birthday,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Only Tomorrow
...As I go... As I stride past the bridge with a twenty litre jerrican on my hand I dream of tomorrow where hard soil will be like sand Where in my dreams we have enough Where in my dreams soft is n......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, africa, hope,
Form: I do not know?
My Expression
...M-y E-xpression L-ets V-erse I-mplement E-uphoria O-f J-oyful O-ccasion Topic: Birthday of Melvie Ojo (December 21) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Let Victory Intensify Ecstasy
...M-omentous E-vents L-et V-ictory I-ntensify E-cstasy O-nce J-oy O-pens Topic: Birthday of Melvie Ojo (December 21) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
One Joyful Occasion
...J-ust E-agerly N-egate N-ot Y-our O-ne J-oyful O-ccasion Topic: Birthday of Jenny P. Ojo (September 18) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
...Created in the image of Òrisa and Olorun eleda Visage brighter than Moremi's memories. Gifted the body of a voluptuous goddess, For fear, Mortal men trembled at her sight; "the Oye". Indeed she ......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, africa, birth, death, deep,
Form: Didactic
...ISEYIN MY TOWN If you don't know, 'Emi lomo ISEYIN ORO 'Oro omo EBEDI MOKO. I know my town, I love my town, I celebrate my town, as great town to everyone, I praise my town, and I cheer my town......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, africa, allegory, thanksgiving, together,
Form: Bio
Eighteen Years, Just Like Yesterday
...18 YEARS, JUST LIKE YESTERDAY. 18 years ago, just like yesterday, I remembered how it all happened. A life, his life was ebbing away with the breaking of dawn. ......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, bereavement,
Form: Free verse
Ezi Enyi Ka Nwanne
...Ezi enyi amaka na uwa Ezi enyi ka nwanne ojo Lezie enyi gi anya oge nile Ahabula ya ka onwu na nsogbu. Owere enyi ka nwanne ma Obu ikwu na ibe gi na uwa Mgbe nsogbu di ono ya, Na oganihu ......Read the rest...
Categories: ojo, africa,
Form: Epigram

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