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Offense Poems - Poems about Offense

Offense Poems - Examples of all types of poems about offense to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for offense.
Take Back Reclaim Offense Please For Everyones Sake
Personally above and beyond all I hate and despise in this world Is misappropriation of certain What used to be meaningful words Critically descriptive important essential That have been devalued demeaned To such a lesser degree they bare no relation To...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, anger, nonsense,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member No Offense But
No offense, she said, but I want you to stay as you are. I stopped dead in my tracks halfway to my car. What do you mean? I asked with a quiver in my voice. She is kind...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member No Offense
No offense, one kid says. But school lunch’s meat tastes like raccoon droppings. Why would that be offensive? I wonder....Read the rest...
Categories: offense, humorous, moon,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Life's Offense and the Muses As Escape
I sit with pen in hand this downcast morn; and search the Muses for more enraptured songs; songs of great cheer, of memories heartworn, to banish the spirits...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, god, innocence, introspection, life,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Compose
To you my love I do propose Cursory couplets to compose. What sort of short verse would you hear In short iambic rhyme my dear: Coupled couplets in a couplet? Coupled cutlets in a couplet? Or perhaps a brace of...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, humor, poetry, proposal, silly,
Form: Couplet

No Offense
Is that what you think? Is that what you know? Stories you've heard, time passed and consoled. Moments ended in a blink of an eye, All Hell breaks loose hoping you'll die. A blurry silence, But an extremely loud pain, Driving you...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, angst, bullying, dark, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme
Defensive Offense
R-estrictions E-rase N-asty E-pidemic U-ntil B-acteria A-voids L-ockdown's D-efensive O-ffense Topic: Birthday of Bro. Rene Ubaldo (May 31) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Wealthy Defense: Healthy Offense
Fear-based legislation, more against our diverse pathologies than for our multiculturing health relationships, The attempt to govern negative emotions, outcomes of poor communication, is always and everywhere a corrupt effort, a suboptimizingly ineffective unhealthy impoverishing unenlightened political and disempowering economic uncooperative idea. The opposite may also be true power and...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, america, anti bullying, health,
Form: Political Verse
One who is full of himself, as fragile as crystal ball on a shelf, who sulks in resentful vain defense against the slightest imagined offense, and shines or dims or shatters depending on the tricks of flatterers....Read the rest...
Categories: offense, prejudice, pride,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Premium Member No Offense But You Stink
Someone smells like smoke. I can barely stand to sit here. Clenching my teeth, I have a headache, everywhere near. A friendly smoker has sat next to me, oh, dear. I jump up, because her smell is...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member No Offense -But
No Offense - But you take offense to what I say tell me I cannot say it I take offence to your offense you say Oh, No!! that’s our defense we find your...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, confusion, rights, society, spoken
Form: Rhyme
The Grass
The grass Though growing underneath The grass does not take offense At the stately oak tree...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, tree,
Form: Haiku
No Offense
No offense I plan my actions carefully A good impression is the key I’d rather die than have the people Think not nice of me I’ll smile when it’s required I’ll nod no matter what Yes, even when I don’t agree I’ll keep...Read the rest...
Categories: offense, friend, people,
Form: Ballad
A Woman Can Take Like a Offense At the End
A woman can take like a offense at the end, just in two situation, and both inhuman:- If you see in her a woman, not a friend. If you see in her a friend, and not a woman....Read the rest...
Categories: offense, funny,
Form: Quatrain
There once was a fat lady named Hortense who claimed she could sing but this was nonsense. She would make our ears ring when she tried hard to sing for her hitting high C was an offense....Read the rest...
Categories: offense, humor,
Form: Limerick

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