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Odes Poems - Poems about Odes

Odes Poems - Examples of all types of poems about odes to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for odes.

Premium Member A Poem By Any Other Name
A Poem by Any Other Name…Should Smell Like a Poem I ran out of time to post my lines. So, as I compose I hold my nose. Acrid alliteratives, malodorous odes, musty metaphors, putrid pantoums, reeking rhymes, stinky stanzas, smelly sagas, obfuscate our olfactory organs. So, as you...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member odes to paradise now on pause until further notice
Poets create verses about Eden And why not? Shining wonders can be made In this paradise of green garden shade Like the most beautiful blondes from Sweden But when wealth reeks like an opium den Causing visions of fair...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, angst, courage, irony, poems,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member ode of odes
a poem … is a story unto itself - an amalgam of glyphs and syntax arranged with carets and diacritical marks and woven with creative purpose to paint with phrase - to decorate life’s canvas with the colors of words and fringe the...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, analogy, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Keats Odes Dreams
thoughts hanging in the air certainty uncertainties mysteries doubt reaching after fact unweave a rainbow in a pursuit of love with sorrow 's pain in ...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, poets, tribute,
Form: Ekphrasis
Ode To Odes
ODE TO ODES ® Patterns of raindrops on my windowsills And a rivalry with the scorching sun Ordinate and baste me an idea Light filters through the raindrops Weary wind pluck me a leaf Cascading down on the patched pavements Breakdancing of...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, 1st grade, nature,
Form: Quatern

Some perhaps more fortunate poets will With greater ease urge their heeding quill, To tell in switching tones many juicy tales, Of love-aided treks and shipwrecked sails. Not so for this goofing lyricist whose Heart-felt lays Muse...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, art,
Form: Rhyme
Oodles of Odes
I seem to be a poet Though I didn’t even know it As for years I’ve written oodles of odes When an idea doth inspire me I need to write it swiftly If left inside my head it...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, appreciation, happiness, inspirational, uplifting,
Form: Rhyme
Giving Up On Odes
Crucified for the crusades of life, giving up on odes; Sitting in my chair sipping coffee, wishing I had known more words. Absolute rubbish are the feeling of emotions; when persecuted at every turn by derogatory notions. Abhorred by...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, anger, angst, depression, hurt,
Form: Rhyme
Odes To Everything and Nothing
Ode to joy, Ode to the forests And the gravel! Ode to everything we, The Searchers, Have searched for and created for! Ode to Marx, We share our sorrows In pain, In blood, In lust. Share the usurpers throne, Share it all, The thorns, The shrubs, The fences, All things innate, All...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, allegory, corruption, creation, irony,
Form: Ode
Morning Odes
On wings of sunlight, Enchanting sonnets of peace; Composed by the morn. · Rustled by the leaves, Carried by the footless winds: Echoed by the breeze. · Poems of the dawn, Written by the morning dew: Passionate...fresh odes....Read the rest...
Categories: odes, nature
Form: Choka
Obstinate Odes
When I look at you, captive of my heart, I ask myself, what do I feel? What do I see? What loveliness is this before me? I try to express it, to trap it in words, but time...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, devotion, love, on writing
Form: Free verse
The Truest Odes of War
Such heavy artillery, To whom shall we run, To God have we come, In pain and sad form, To state our hearts' deform, To stake our rights and reforms, You know that where two Elephants fight the grass suffers,Do be well...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, death, education, history, hope,
Form: Ode
O riginal work; D eep within the soul E xpressions on paper; S elf-gratification our goal © Stacy Lynn Stiles...Read the rest...
Categories: odes, inspirational, introspection, on writing
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things