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Odd Man Out Poems - Poems about Odd Man Out

Odd Man Out Poems - Examples of all types of poems about odd man out to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for odd man out.
Premium Member Three is the Loneliest Number
...Once, a lonely number three sat forlornly on my knee. In his eyes, I saw despair as he was sitting there. "You needn't sniffle, cry or pout. I too have been the odd man out."......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, humor, loneliness, math,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Dilemma of being
... Tired, worn out and sapped The lonely man waiting for the day to end The night is better, kind and comforti......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, identity,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Odd Man Out
...The pair should be headed for fame Behind, in the draw’r, out of aim. He was the one left, Not right; he’s bereft. The sock was not chosen for game. The sock was not chosen, and why?......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, clothes, old,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Gemini Loves Playing
...Well behaved women rarely make history, he said. I wondered who had hit this guy bam in the head. This is something women say, but we rarely hear it from a man. I am an artist and a poet, he expla......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, may,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Olympics
...Citius, altius, fortius, Olympic motto swifter, higher, stronger, Latin you see will it happen this year? What about the pandemic? Five rings Five countries Four begin with an A Americas, As......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Fuzzy Socks and Crocs
...Puppeteer was what some say of this style. Yet, what's wrong if it's my style for a while? Crocs for cracks; some say with sure mockery, Can mockery knock modern hosiery? Some wear fur-lined ......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, fun, people,
Form: Couplet
The Foreigner Next Door
...There's this nasty lady living right by ours A cranky old mare holed up next to our house Her garden is minging and her blinds are a lot worse She acts dead weird, I reckon she's proper menta......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, anti bullying, community, emotions,
Form: I do not know?
2 Journeys
...Things I need to stop for: deodorant, candy bars, some magazines, to while away the hours.. Have to catch the train in time, as it's a long trip north. With no one to keep me company, my ton......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, brother, emotions, journey, youth,
Form: Rhyme
Stark Realization, I Harbor Sacrilegious Objection
...Stark realization, I harbor sacrilegious objection... Against merry christmas premature blowout, (or otherwise) ejaculation galore burnout, hence I feel like the odd man out neither yours truly......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
A Thistle
...Odd man out He cuts a lonely figure Only he isn’t. Avoided learning the language where he lives To avoid tittle-tattle. He is a failed poet too. Rancorous and silent But does smile and say th......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, anger, angst, best friend,
Form: Blank verse
Scatterbrain Dreamer
...stay off the ground and live in lost beautiful sound up in the clouds above waiting and watching hummingbirds and doves fairy tales roaming through my mind stories like no other kind ......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, crazy, dream, encouraging, how
Form: Couplet
It Was Just a Thought
...Some people talk about me, they think I'm a little strange, But I hope they don't get stuck thinking I'll never change, I don't preach, judge or try to sell you lies, I'm just being myself with a ......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, society,
Form: Rhyme
I Hate Being Categorized
...He's this, he's that,this is what he should be like He shouldn't have that many tattoos, he shouldn't dress like that He's clearly a wannabe gangsta because he listens to Hip-Hop and Rap I'm just ......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, confidence, courage, culture, deep,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unquotable Quotes: Outsiders and Odd Men - Xxviii
...Unquotable quotes: Outsiders and Odd Men – XXVIII for Colin Wilson (1931-1913) regrets for the “provoked” faux pas To each his own: to Colin Wilson his......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, anti bullying, black african
Form: Epigram
Life, a Paradox
...This morning as I woke up, smiling at a new day, thinking I’m a day older, I looked forward to another birthday, but my mind quailed at the aftertaste before I shared my joy with friends and ki......Read the rest...
Categories: odd man out, symbolism,
Form: Didactic

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