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Objects Poems - Poems about Objects

Objects Poems - Examples of all types of poems about objects to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for objects.
Objects Objects devoid of definite shape are responsible, with the loyal aid of tree roots, and to bagpipe music, for the breakdown of the Western Roman Empire (467 AD). ...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Symphony of School Supplies
The school bell's chorus wakes a drowsy room, Sunlight spills, a golden, dusty plume. Desks, once dormant, morph to galleons grand, Ready to set sail to each uncharted land. Chalk, a spectral hand, whispers wisdom's lore, Unveiling mysteries on the...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, appreciation, children, middle school,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Arguing With Inanimate Objects
Arguing with inanimate objects Can be very distressing To them My Roomba drove itself down the stairs The Keurig switched to decaf Alexa told me where to go Siri filed for a restraining order My iphone deleted the “find my phone” app My...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, humor, technology,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Objects of Affection
“Objects of Affection” Objects of affection drop like white marbles from the sky we love to look to our heaven for all kinds of angels all’s fair in love and war when faith and belief in a stronger unified existence that type of...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Broken Objects
Sunny and her love-object have broken up. It was a selfie-inflicted wound - a slapdash pic taken, that like a puzzle, revealed more than intended. We try and be thoughtful and considerate but we’ve only recently escaped from captivity. Perfectly...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, boyfriend, break up, relationship,
Form: Free verse

The Most Fragile Objects On Earth
The Most Fragile on Earth are we, The creative brains, forever enslaved By the jealous mistress, the Muse. We’re the folk Fortune never embraced. Emotions wide open, tears on the ready, A fetish to embrace the senseless pain...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, emotions, feelings, introspection, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Objects of Nature
There is nature all around us Nature has many objects So many trees are around All an assortment are seen In the forest a river or stream It divides the forest in half Logs on the ground long and short Scattered everywhere...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, nature,
Form: Free verse
Lost Souls and Rubber Objects
Cars are made of rubber in the land of US Asphalt highways twist and turn in pain Erased for your protection at the curb Life is no ones fault but yours May the DMV have mercy on your souls May...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, car, confusion, god, judgement,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sentimental Objects
There are certain items kept Sentimental objects are special They hold the good memories Some of us own one object While some of us own several It could be anything owned Mine are several items I treasure to my heart I framed a...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, happiness, memory,
Form: Free verse
2 Am On a Saturday
Your bottle of Wild Irish Rose wine is a potbelly pig bleeding in the tender over-turned dirt gnats linger near it like kids do a birthday cake when it’s about to be cut I am under a blanket thick as the snow that was on...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, addiction, drug, loneliness, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Crimson Convenant
She placed the small embellished table Beside the open window igniting its red glow As the natural light poured through Spurring witness with exquisite detail That begged for hands to caress and touch Its spiritually ornate expression and artful fate For...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, blessing, devotion, heaven, history,
Form: Narrative
Give Me Something Round
Give me something round Edges to life should be circular Beware of the elliptic mystery Rotate your marbles frequently Give me something spherical Two hemispheres in harmony Held together with super glue Solid to the core and spiraling Give me something not Michigan (Round...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, appreciation, creation, mystery, universe,
Form: Quatrain
The Power of Water
“Don’t turn your back on the water...” my grandmother told me as I skimmed stones across the tiny ripples of rock pools. Small scaly creatures and stones sliced toes like knives but we were full of excitement...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, family,
Form: Free verse
Flying Objects
Flying things I once saw a flying pig there was a hard wind blowing from the east. over the bay of Cascais The wind slackened and dropped the pig that was alive and swimming ashore alas, where men with knives...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, art, color, confidence, tribute,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member What Are Objects Question Mark
What are objects? a silly question many will say an interruption to things of importance.. the chair is the on to my daily schedule..uninterrupted please.. however..after much searching to satisfy desires..pausing with the question might be finally reconsidered..finding that an inbred...Read the rest...
Categories: objects, anxiety, silence, wisdom,
Form: Blank verse

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