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Noises Poems - Poems about Noises

Noises Poems - Examples of all types of poems about noises to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for noises.
Premium Member making the right noises
I beckoned over the local scoundrel did he charm me or did I charm him? locked eye to eye, he seemed hungry ...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member afternoon noises
a train whistle motorcycle starting up rumble of road tiny sounds of a wind chime distant door being closed far off conversation we sit together, the sun and I conversing telepathically listening to afternoon noises...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member From the Balcony
Distant noises in the morning Distant morning spread its flair Got no learning from the yearning Boys are riding boards out there Something metal knocks on metal Birds are flapping down and up I take off the whistling kettle For the instant...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, feelings, solitude,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

the noises of Paris
63 The noises of Paris There comes an age and wisdom, When it is more interesting To listen to Shostakovich’s symphony number five, Than to be interested in the noises of...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, appreciation, holiday, paris,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member N Is For Noises
Babble,gabble simper,whimper gurgle coo; holler,howl scream,sigh then cry. Squeak,shriek screech,squeal bang,clang; gnash,splash peal and crash. Shout,spout roar ,rage toot,hoot whistle; whoop,sing cheer and yell. Ding,ting,tone zing and ring hiss,moan and groan; whisper then kiss....Read the rest...
Categories: noises, sound,
Form: List

The After Time
The voices of others were becoming noises day by day. Even if I wanted to be alone there was no way. All were happy but I felt betrayed. Although life was stable and good, But that scar made...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cell Phone Noises and Me
We are in a doctor’s waiting room. A child’s cell phone is out; the sounds drive me batty. Botta Bing Botta Bing Ding Sing Shing Wing Ding How does this child’s parent stand it? I wish the child’s...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Mysterious Rumbling Noises
Mysterious rumbling noises, I hear them Wherever I am, I cannot escape the sound Somewhat like zombies singing an old hymn Or a loaded barge about to run aground. Occasionally they will go away for a season Then, just as...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, sound, stress,
Form: Rhyme
The Noises From Neighborhood
I wonder, whom they might be? I wish to know at least a person. I wonder, when do they sleep? I wish I could visit once to know in person. I wonder how will their next room be?...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, adventure, flower, imagination, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Noises In the Morning
scritter scitch scitter scitch dog’s tapping down the hallway to breakfast crinkle criggle crink opening the cereal whirr whirr whirr juicer is working hump thump bump cat throws herself against door, reminding us to feed her bird speak greets me tweet peep ticky ticky...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, morning, sound,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Strange Bum Noises
Please don't do that, it's really quite weird Don't make those noises, it twitches my ears Reminds me of Dracula Or an angry tarantula Emitting strange shrieks from the end that's rear...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, emotions,
Form: Limerick
Animal Noises
Ta wit ta woo said the owl to the wren Cluck cluck cluck replied the dear old hen Woof woof woof the doggie did bark All these animals are leaving their mark The horse let out...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Jack Hammer Noises
jack hammer noises rat a tat rat a tat tat hello woodpecker...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, bird,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Strange Noises
There it goes again, did you hear that bump Spooky sounds in the night, make my heart pump Racing a mile a minute Seeing a shadowy image Imagination plays tricks as we fart out our bum...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, fun,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Abandonment and Loud Noises
The year was 1946... Grandfather, on my dad's side, chemistry professor at the Ann Arbor Campus of the University of Michigan had just finished his tenure, completing his service to our country in the reserve as...Read the rest...
Categories: noises, absence,
Form: Prose

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