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Nods Poems - Poems about Nods

There goes my buddy, out the door. I did not see her all day and it did not cause any downpour. As she leaves, she nods and smiles from the distance, sincere and sure, and somehow that moment makes her my buddy,...Read the rest...
Categories: nods, feelings, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Land of Nods Limerick
LAND OF NODS Limerick Once there in the land of Nods Where all the race hot rods One race today Was canceled because of pay The sponsors were a fake advertising facade squad 09/23/20 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr....Read the rest...
Categories: nods, adventure, allusion, analogy, community,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Knowing Nods
The ants nodded knowingly to each other A honey-pot overturned ~ Anteater licked his lips...Read the rest...
Categories: nods, food, insect, sweet,
Form: Kimo
Premium Member Wordplay In Three Act Nods
Act 1 Lights dim, a pregnant pause for silence to bedim. A nod, then curtain rises, lights and eyes pries Scene 1 to open with actors all set in pose enfrozen. Called to action by director's wink, blink, nod...Read the rest...
Categories: nods, celebrity, character,
Form: Free verse
Sunshine and Riddles and Nods To the Sky
I'm a riddle for the sun sweet silver beams in eyes of wonder evaporating windows in steam and flooding the room with light. My emotions dance in the air always on the upswing, on the mend never pooling shadows at my...Read the rest...
Categories: nods, happiness, life, uplifting, dance,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry