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Noblesse Poems - Poems about Noblesse

Noblesse Poems - Examples of all types of poems about noblesse to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for noblesse.
Premium Member powdered city girls
...(inspired by ‘Dusty Rose Dreaming’ by poet vb) We’re powdered city girls heading into a club, bright orchids entering the hothouse spreading fun with noblesse oblige, qua somethings su......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, courage, dance, fun, girl,
Form: Rhyme
When Vitamin and Medication Bottles Became Plaything of the Missus
...When vitamin and medication bottles became plaything of the missus Mental health of yours truly heavily reliant upon one selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor named fluoxetine (Prozac) aside f......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, adventure, anxiety, appreciation, bereavement,
Form: Free verse

Pump On, Lest Death May Play Its Part
...Pump on, lest death may play its part, with weight of sin or righteousness. It is not ours, this beating heart. Indeed, when schemes may fall apart, though souls be gripped by frightfulness. P......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, imagery, life, wisdom,
Form: Villanelle

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Let There Be Limericks: Noblesse Oblige
...The King The king was quite old, but not senile, And his problems with sex were not penile. He could rut with the best, When put to the test, And got plenty of rest in between while. <......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Love Thyself
...Our fellow brother has a jaundiced eye. It’s best to smother our foolish heart’s sigh. Noblesse oblige’s passé. Why’d we trauma bond with rabid dogs stray? Just smile and abscond. 04-Apri......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, muse,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Way of Life
...WAY OF LIFE engraved portraits     fundamental elements of elegance & noblesse an evident emphasis  shadowed &hidden in formal tradition an established supply categoric in strict crit......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, poetry,
Form: Other
Premium Member Ceaseless
...Your vision is delicately illuming the edge of my mindfulness. A significant pondering in the lucidity of my spirit otherness. Leaving me with a grin in the corner of blissfulness.......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, allusion, appreciation, confusion, forgiveness,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member White House
...Built by the tired hands Many from far off lands Taken away from farm and spouse Yet they built the sacred House A house leased for 4-year terms Unique privilege to be confirmed To an America......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, america, appreciation, celebration, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Imaginary Chasm
...Two hearts estranged, walk pensively Their hands don’t touch and eyes are glazed Talking in monosyllables Mere gestures of noblesse oblige A common friend creeps upon them Tip toeing barefoot ......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, emotions,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Is Joss Whedon 'I Am' - Christ Reincarnate
...Is Joss Whedon ‘I AM?’ (1) Christ Reincarnate? I Think That That’s Doubtful! More than Trump ‘IS’ (1) (by light years)! Joss’ fan......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, america, graduation, high school,
Form: Rhyme
A Former Slender Man Lapsed Unitarian Anorexic
...A former slender man (lapsed Unitarian anorexic)... deplores adipose tissue gain No Holiday music can soothe savage beast washboard abdomen weight watcher's dream fleeced skinny bag of lovely b......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, 7th grade, absence, age,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Adieu dear friend it is time for you to ascend noblesse oblige not the trend so please wait not for me as my ego has yet to bend with love to blend I will wait in darkness below until I be......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, goodbye, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Merov's Ghost and Other Shots Across My Bow
...Merov’s Ghost (1) and Other Shots Across My Bow! In mid-November of Fourteen, I published my first web verse here, (2) the earliest spanned sixty years, composed for Senio......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, blessing, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Revelations of the Spirit
...Revelations of the Spirit! Good things are known to come to those who come before their God, who praise release from earthly woes by celebrating days of spilling sperm (t......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, journey, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unglue To Renew
...As happenings in the external recede Though all needed doing is yet done Subtle blockages we still gently weed Slowly but surely ego comes undone Fears & desires now faint shadows Yet haunt u......Read the rest...
Categories: noblesse, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry