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Nixon Poems - Poems about Nixon

Nixon Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nixon to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nixon.

Premium Member Price Control
In AD 301, a Roman Emperor made a decree He fixed the price of food and clothes If you sold for higher, there was a death penalty If you hoarded those goods, your blood would flow. Since no one...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, america, crazy, culture, fire,
Form: Lyric
The Ugliest American President
Views rather point to Nixon, By far handsomer Jackson! Nixon’s swollen cheeks did grieve But views should this to me leave… If Nixon owned ugly face, Did the rest of him show trace? A Beauty Judge would face praise But owner ‘Not...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, america, celebrity, people, political,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member More American Soldiers Die In Vietnam
Oh Nixon what did you do, Woe will drown and plague you, Sending more soldiers into Vietnam Where you know there is no calm, Only war, killing and death, The fueling of Americans sent to Fight in this pathetic war, Would no...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, war,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Trepidation Into Nature
The ant is one who works all day and barely sleeps at night Seldom is he, if ever fearful of an unjust or a losing fight He lives to serve a queen and she he seldom sees but he is hers...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, angst, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tricky Dick - Not Nixon, Lol
Sophisticated, debonair, dashin' Epitome of ultra-cool passion They called him Tricky Dick Thought himself mighty slick Slipped on her runway ~ came to... spent, ashen...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, cool, fantasy, giggle, passion,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Ode To Tricky Dick Nixon
When they said Nixon's name, my wife would mew "Please don't vote for him in '72." --- I said, "Think what we'd miss." Before telling her this --- "Why switch Dicks in the middle of...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, humorous, political, satire,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Richard Milhous Nixon
Richard Milhous Nixon Richard Millhouse Nixon was awfully good at fixin’ everything but Watergate sadly sealed a “tricky” fate 5/30/2015 submitted to – Cleri-who? – Poetry Contest sponsor – Kim Merryman...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, humor, political,
Form: Clerihew
There's Something Else About Richard Nixon
Who Ever knew, according to Wikipedia’s, chronological list of inauguration portraits, ...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, satire,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Richard Milhouse Nixon
One problem faced by Richard Milhouse Nixon, Was that his tape recorder needed a good fixin'! By erasing stuff, he thought he might save face. ...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, funny,
Form: Clerihew
The Tragedy of President Nixon
'For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground And tell sad stories of the death of kings* By flu or common cold or treach'rous reason O sacred blood, spoil'd by these nasty things With sharpen'd points in envy...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, history,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Richard Nixon
Richard M. Nixon ...Read the rest...
Categories: nixon, history,
Form: Clerihew

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry