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Nite Poems - Poems about Nite

Nite Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nite to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nite.
Premium Member friday nite invites
Outside it’s breezy and twenty degrees in here the air feels humid and still the floor’s elbow-to-elbow and I guarantee dance for 40 minutes and the heat can kill I left the dance floor fully drenched we drank at the bar til...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, dance, fun, growing up,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ladies Nite At Clyde's Bar
News flash Huge bash Big fight Last night Clyde's Bar Bizarre War zone Chairs thrown Snouts poked Gals choked Eyes blacked Ribs cracked Hair snatched Backs scratched Throats slashed Heads bashed Tossed stools Blood pools Ears chewed Tossed food Knees kicked Knives pricked Low blows Stomped toes Dames sprawled Cops called Clyde's closed Foreclosed ...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, conflict, humorous,
Form: Footle

Said It Right the First Time
Gotta find me ah lov-ah one who can understand Gotta find me someone Who'll let me be her Man Gotta find me ah Luv-ah one who keeps her love strong Gotta ind me ah luv-ah stand beside me keep's me from doin wrong ) my...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, culture, engagement, film, language,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Fuzzy Nite
perroquet avenue lips poems and polaroids pornitography hariness protected by vickies cleavite libertinism third base strobe-lit memories slang.. perroquet = a delicious, minty French alcoholic drink avenue = a shade of deeply red lipstick vickies = victoria's secrets cleavite = untanned areas usually covered by a bathing...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, celebration, fun, happiness, night,
Form: Free verse
L8te At Nite Thotz
It hurts me to let you go just like that My quick wit became fooled easily, no lies Rejoicing in my silence like a sneaky cat My dumb, numb cranium was once wise All of the people in my...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, angst, anxiety,
Form: Lyric

Bank Day Rassling Saturday Nite
Everybody wants to be champion Everybody got a plan Everything's signifacent Peoplez, my people! Take your assignment and task! Get in line and do what's asked of you. Sh$t I have been doing that This way since they let me In here. Hungry people, needs to...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, culture, encouraging, film, humanity,
Form: Ballad
Bank Day Rassling Saturday Nite
Everybody wants to be champion Everybody got a plan Everything's signifacent Peoplez, my people! Take your assignment and task! Get in line and do what's asked of you. Sh$t I have been doing that This way since they let me In here. Hungry people, needs to...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, culture, encouraging, film, humanity,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member One Halloween Nite
One Halloween nite While running away from some witches I ran, until I pooped my britches Then The Frankenstein creature With the most frightening features Laughed until he popped his switches...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, halloween,
Form: Limerick
Nite, Nite My Family - One Day We Will Be
I went upstairs Just to stare That which wasn’t even there I then came down the stairs And found that you were all still here So, thanks for coming back to hear Because now I know you really care Although you...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, family,
Form: Free verse
Good Nite
Go to bed my sweet, sweet child. You’ll always be my angel! In my dreams ill think of you; See smiling angel faces. Soft and silent as the night Stars; high up, with the moon. Reminds me of your starry eyes, Sweat...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, absence,
Form: ABC
Mark Evanier,S Nite-Ing Gale
It's allways nice , win sum one hoo cairs is around ! Sirtin lies were toeld . But the cops fynally arrested the real rapest ! & the Mexican boys in the black birrays held the...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, america, anti bullying, children,
Form: I do not know?
Nite Owl Xd Rap Song
I'm a nightowl becuz I prefer the night, despite what you say Today, I'm yours and I'm gonna make your day a delightful day I love all genres in LA...I'm going cray-cray with you around me all...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, words,
Form: Lyric
Fite Nite
He enters the Dojo all fists of fury Whilst I sit - all judge and jury He wears that stupid Ohm tattoo That reminds me of you He wants to be part of my team And live every fighters dream Only...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, poems, poetry, sports, student,
Form: Light Verse
Cold October Nite
The trees sway back and forth And the last of the green summer leaves wave to and fro. They wave as if to say goodbye to a season passed And getting ready to fall and wither...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, nature,
Form: I do not know?
The Other Nite With Her
Tenderly she pecks & kisses me on the lobe of my left ear, to awaken me from my slumber to the sweet face of my dear. My fresh seeking eyes, they open up to her graceful smiles, Her...Read the rest...
Categories: nite, love, passion, me, sweet,
Form: Couplet

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry