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Nestor Poems - Poems about Nestor

Nestor Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nestor to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nestor.

Six Sounds of Smiles
... Now, a year has turned, a joyful sight, Embraced by warmth and radiant light. Sunshine smiles, as memories gleam, Today you savor, a happy dream. One page again leads to another's call, ......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
The Kea
...“We must feel glad that, for the moment, the kea has been saved to amuse us, surprise us, even annoy us and damage our property, and cheekily remind us that land was not made just for the benefit of ......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, bird,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Slang Men’s Names in Footles- Part 6
... He’s always So Behind Hasten, Mason Heavenly Guy Sky glow Milo A Great Guy Maxwell acts swell Sure Not Dickie Nixon Tricky Micky Spoiled Guy Bratty Mattie Why We ......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, men,
Form: Footle

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Statement of Nuptial Expression
...N-uptial E-xpression's S-tatement T-ruly O-ffers R-apturous & R-egards E-mploying Y-early N-ote's E-ndless L-ove Y-ou N-eed Topic: Anniversary of Nestor & Reynelyn San Pablo (May......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Rabid Flu
...N-eatness E-mploys S-anitation T-o O-bliterate R-abid F-lu E-rasing R-isky N-astiness A-nd N-otorious D-isease's E-pidemic Z-one Topic: Birthday of Bro. Nestor M. Fernandez (May 02......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Rapturous Felicity
...N-oble E-xpression S-tarts T-o O-ffer R-apturous F-elicity E-agerly R-elieving N-egativity A-s N-ice D-elight E-mploys Z-est Topic: Birthday of Bro. Nestor M. Fernandez (May 02) ......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Ending Chilling Howler
...N-ew E-arliness S-eems T-o O-bliterate R-ain E-nding C-hilling H-owler A-s N-iceness O-pens Topic: Birthday of Nestor Echano (July 27) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Respect the Game
...To know just where your're going You must know where you've been You must respect the history The things others have seen It's true in all things relative Be it music, sports or life ......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, baseball, football, games, history,
Form: Rhyme
Early Sunshine
...N-ew E-arly S-unshine T-riumphs O-ver R-aindrops Topic: Birthday of Nestor M. Fernandez (May 2) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
...I spend my hours these days Watching the Olympics With the usual champions the Americans Canadians sometimes winning A few medals for swimming Women winning Still no men Emotional with Oleksi......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, age, death, feelings,
Form: Free verse
When I'M Not Writing
...By now, see. You almost know me. A shy type little man; With pretty wife, as my avid fan. I’ve 1, 2, 3 syllable count, rhymed name; Thor, Nestor, or Ernesto; it’s the same. More than a de......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, faith, friendship, hope, life,
Form: Lyric
...Be not harried by apostasy spates Surcease ye flux of basilic imprecations Adhibit ye ,supernal paracletes The pith of divinity An Achates, Vae victis In this temporal realm Chatoyant fa......Read the rest...
Categories: nestor, song-
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things