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Mushy Poems - Poems about Mushy

Mushy Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mushy to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mushy.
Premium Member WHO’S THE BOSS
Dear muse, my brain Has gone so mushy, Pray come take part, Please do not refrain, Want to write a poem That’s gushy. My paper white and blank, My thoughts no spark, My mind once was a thinking tank, Now buried deep and...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My mushy muse
I’m a dead muse walking, stuck in a queue moving along slowly, spreading out too A worm wriggles past, looking worse...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, dark, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Mushy the Dwarf Woman
Mushy the dwarf woman lived a stress-free life. She had berries, acorns, cheeses and no strife. Her husband introduces her as his fifth wife. She is a master cook who wields a fine steak knife. Mushy knew his other...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Slushy Mushy
Real mushy down deep, can't hide it no more Blown my cover using silly limericks galore You've finally discovered Limericks were a cover For this sentimental slob with grey hair down to the floor...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, sensual,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Mushy Joy Puppy Dog-
Little puppy, Joy So exciting so cheerful He has a wet tongue -and a cold nose furthermore He barks and yeps as I pet... 9/20/20 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr 2020...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, appreciation, dog, engagement, love,
Form: Tanka

Premium Member Gushy Slushy Mushy
Time for a gushy slushy mushy lim You ladies deserve such vigor and vim Inspirational I is Add Cheese Whiz A recipe for passion and diddly-doolin'...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, love,
Form: Limerick
Mushy Thoughts Merges - Day 21
saucy smoke smirks gulping gaunt lurch puking punctured bitumen blurs bleeding bountifully filling cloud's peeper with whooshing phlegm taunted track clothes fiery ferments: glows skate speed blows voluptuous velocity's vibe into dances drives sassy soles thrive mushy thoughts merges speed, emotions surge. '20:02:21:18:29...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, allegory,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Mushy Doggy - a Tanka Poem
Mushy Doggy - A Tanka Poem Mushy Doggy my Agreeable and Jolly With a funny nose And warm personalities I feel happy when it barks, arf!! 4/11/19...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, animal, appreciation, dog,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Slushy Mushy
Real mushy down deep, can't hide it no more Blown my cover using silly limericks galore You've finally discovered Limericks were a cover For this sentimental old slob with grey hair down to the floor...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, true love,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Slushy Mushy
Real mushy down deep, can't hide it no more Blown my cover using silly limericks galore You've finally discovered Limericks were a cover For this sentimental old slob with grey hair down to the floor...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, sensual,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Mushy Or Silly
Bunches of sillies are attacking my brain Trying to push the mushy stuff out Gonna be a knock down drag 'em out affair From the rooftops I wanna shout! Have no idea which one I'm rooting for Mushy stuff has...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, funny, love,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Mushy
I'm usually known for my silly stuff But once in a while I surprise Drooling all over my keyboard and yours With mushy stuff I fantasize It's true I sometimes wear more than one hat Contrary to what you may...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, funny, me,
Form: Quatrain
Mushy Stuff
My wife said write a love poem So that's what I will do Someone said that roses are red Or was it violets are blue? Oh well, you understand my meaning You know what I'm trying to say Your eyes are...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, funnywrite, wife, me, write,
Form: Rhyme
The Mushy Poem
I'm left spellbound with her beauty Speechless moments encounter each inspired attraction Engaging our passion with mother nature As the birds tweet familiar love songs Smirks grow gently across her cheeks Leaving me soundless as every smile across her face Melts...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, loveme, sound, love, me,
Form: Free verse
Compare this love, To my favorite activities, The " Fun and Games " Need some clever similes. Start off with a deck, A 52 card hook-up, We get shuffled around, And our hands are held in Hold'em. I have poured out my heart...Read the rest...
Categories: mushy, love
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry