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Migraines Poems - Poems about Migraines

Migraines Poems - Examples of all types of poems about migraines to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for migraines.

Ocular Migraines
I see the wake of what I look at objects casting ripples through the sea of visual fields like a boat or Nessy cutting water in zig zags its trail allowing secrets, coloured kaleidoscope waves rips and tears peep holes no less an honoured...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, color, health,
Form: Free verse
Galloping Gop Migraines
Republican governors agree Solving problems is not meant to be Just take a peek At Trump's technique: And re-direct most maliciously...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, leadership,
Form: Limerick

Chronic Pain, My Old Friend
Good Morning Pain Another day, Old Friend Silent and invisible Besides the cracking of my joints and the pounding in my head Every Day You And Me I've grown tired of the misery Its easier to sleep you away At least I...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, how i feel, mental
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Migraines and Smiley Faces
Put a smile on your face Walk into the light Pretend it isn't blinding Pretend it doesn't hurt You have a job to do You have no choice Do your best to succeed Don't cry about it Put a smile on your...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Headaches and Migraines
Will you come with me? Are you really never going to leave my side? Or my head as I say Or maybe even my mind Dark red White Flashes of orange They are all too bright Like an explosion in my eyes Or in...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, pain,
Form: Free verse

Dancing With Migraines
I dance to get rid Of no avail It enjoys the dance!! >:(...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, anger, confusion, courage, funny,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Quatrain Migraines
“Your quatrains are giving me migraines” Think I just heard someone say Sorry my good friends that's all I know At the number of forms, I'm amazed Could branch out, attempt something new A style artsy fartsy and clever But I...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, humorous,
Form: Quatrain
I always get them, vision blurred, darkest room, blinds drawn, so absurd! Family knows to tread lightly, I'm wound up oh so tightly! A wet cloth upon my head, Imitrex is by the bed! For days I lie there, sometimes asleep, sometimes...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, health, life
Form: Couplet
The restless mind needs a break I wait and seek my tired berate She slowly climbs into my mind And cowardly reminds me of her kind She lights a fire from within her sin It starts so small and the...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, depression, sad
Form: Rhyme
M ake my head hurt I t makes me vomit G ot to go to bed R age, Rage, Rage A llows me...Read the rest...
Categories: migraines, health, lifeme, me,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry