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Math Poems | Examples of Math Poetry

Math Poems - Examples of all types of math poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for math.
Premium Member New from Newton
Why all the fuss? Having trouble with calculus? When dividing a number that may vary, it needn't be so scary - such division, not so primitive, is called a derivative, and the inverse of that operation, a new-fangled multiplication, which, by storm,...Read the rest...
Categories: math, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member math-them-attic attacks
anything can happen... as ridiculous as it sounds like a...lodged-hic can... end-tear one's mind and so some... 't'-(rain-a-sour-ass) rump starts yelling farts claiming that the game board is his and... so your future len ...Read the rest...
Categories: math, america, angst,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Purim Theorem!
Purim Theorem! Rambam holds Hashem is math, Hashem does not take a path, Like “Squaring the Circle”, Such is illogical, Yet the Zohar differs on Hashem’s craft! Witness the Aron anomaly, Giving rise to a homily, Finite length & width yet zero volume, Boggling...Read the rest...
Categories: courage, holiday, jewish, math,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Proofs
Proofs!!! I could never grasp proofs they were too much for me How could side-angle-side equal prove that the hypotenuse squared plus, the cosine of angle A equal the square root of Pi? How could (x+a)^n=?_(k=0)^n¦?(n¦k) x^k a^(n-k) ? prove to be the...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, math,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In Praise of Six
How many legs must have, an ant? Can he do without?  He can't! So, when he puts on his slacks, there's nothing that he lacks... and how does a snowflake get his kicks? The answer's in the number six!...Read the rest...
Categories: math, silly,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member No Jive
No jive - I'm alive. I'm five!...Read the rest...
Categories: math, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Adore Four
I adore the number four. Anywhere you see a square, the number four is there....Read the rest...
Categories: humor, math,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Two to One
One seemed to gaze straight through a lonely number two. Like any other day, One hadn't much to say, 'til Two said in a huff, "You are not enough. You should learn to count. I'm double your amount."...Read the rest...
Categories: loneliness, math,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Only One
Hey, where is everyone? Let's play and have some fun! But the only answer heard was the echo of each word from the lonely number one....Read the rest...
Categories: loneliness, math,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Three is the Loneliest Number
Once, a lonely number three sat forlornly on my knee. In his eyes, I saw despair as he was sitting there. "You needn't sniffle, cry or pout. I too have been the odd man out."...Read the rest...
Categories: humor, loneliness, math,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Math
Oh, what a hideous subject to cross my path, Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, Percentages and fractions, those I can grasp, But the rest, oh, I wish to throw you in the pit, I can’t see your point of view...Read the rest...
Categories: addiction, feelings, homework, math,
Form: Free verse
In any right angle triangle the square of the long side is equal to the sum of the squares of the two adjacent shorter sides, according to Mister Pythagoras ...Read the rest...
Categories: math,
Form: Shape
Never have I ever
There are so many things in life I can't do and it makes me sad. I will never know the Zeta function on the f line. I will never win a noble prize. I will...Read the rest...
Categories: math, age, art, bird, creation,
Form: Free verse
Read That Twice
In vast realm between both false realities efforts of a strained bowel movement collapse like the arithmetic dreams of abacus beads. Arthritic persistence contemplates procrastination while stillborn attempts at cleverness seem to flicker as defibrillator paddles exchange electrons. You...Read the rest...
Categories: math, moon, space,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Geometry
an angle a way warmongering mogul- calculated reign ***...Read the rest...
Categories: corruption, math, usa,
Form: Senryu

Specific Types of Math Poems

Definition | What is Math in Poetry?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry