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Madonna Poems - Poems about Madonna

Madonna Poems - Examples of all types of poems about madonna to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for madonna.
Premium Member The White Madonna
She walked down the isle in an eburnean dress looking like a beautiful Madonna I must confess her hair long as Rapunzel was braided in a tress she walked and she talked like a Royal Empress...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, appreciation, beauty, i love
Form: Rhyme
What kind of Madonna are you? Your silk is flesh, your green slippers are lily pads for the daughter of Venus. What if I laid my head upon your lap would you mother me, or caress dormant passions into flame? In Spain...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Wanna Bes Madonna Tribute
Decades of pure fire we are all your lucky stars; Wanna be icons....Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, emotions, feelings, tribute,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Hit For Every Emotion Madonna Tribute Trimeric
I remember getting into that groove, hearing your voice on the radio; Didn’t own a single album yet, I played that track over and over; Hearing your voice on the radio, full on diva screaming ‘Rebel’; Your rhythm was urban bold; Didn’t...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, emotions, music, tribute,
Form: Other
Premium Member Madonna
MADONNA ...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, fun, funny,
Form: Limerick

The Egyptian Madonna
She sits, patiently, And waits Alone. It seems so long Since she held him close, And now, he is so far away. The telephone rings. She jumps up. Her heart begins to thump. News of him? Yes. Yet another delay. But he will be back One day...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, emotions, for him, husband,
Form: Free verse
The Madonna
my presence was needed the announcement echoed thru hospital halls which meant the medical team assembled but that kind of expertise was not why i was called my lot in this equation, a signature i was in another room in a...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, appreciation, devotion, faith,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Multi Talented Madonna
Madonna is eclectic, multi-talented too, a humdinger She has been a producer, a director, actress and singer Song-writing has come natural as do many other things She is impressive no matter what direction her ideas bring...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member - Madonna -
Canvas print of beauty speaks ...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, art, history,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pri Madonna Primed
'Like the silence that screams, cursing solitude... whispers of faith sing patiently with prayers.' (Quoted by Regina Mc Intosh) Hung suspended from hive rafters hexagonal Leader Lady Ruler...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, absence, abuse, betrayal, blessing,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Madonna
Madonna ...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, christmas, jesus,
Form: Chastushka
A woman with underarm hair Decided that she would go bare She lifted her arms Revealing her charms But everyone gagged in despair...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, beauty,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Madonna
Many have called her a sinner A few have called her a saint Doesn’t much matter to her Ordered to disrupt the status quo Never one to play by the rules Nothing the same since we met her An Icon, our...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, celebrity,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Panagiota Virgin Mary Madonna Mother of Jesus-
O Holy O Holy Mother of Jesus Mary Virgin Untouched one Mother of Jesus God needed a vessel It was His way To come down Himself To prefect, His perfection His glory endowed In to Mary His spirit entered His breath, His love, His soul does So Holy O Holy mother of...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, god, humanity, inspirational, jesus,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Madonna
Madonna Louise Ciccone, or simply "Madonna" Pop matriarch; just don't call her a prima donna Had popular 80s hits like "Express Yourself" and "Material Girl" She expressed her sexuality boldly; made watchdog groups churl Date: 07/20/2019...Read the rest...
Categories: madonna, celebrity, people, tribute,
Form: Clerihew

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry