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Long Subjects Poems

Long Subjects Poems. Below are the most popular long Subjects by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Subjects poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Why Life
Why does dawn dress robust morning,
while dusk undresses sight?
Each dawn incarnates another Earth Day
a lifetime of Easter mornings 
redeeming nocturnal sight's revolution,
another therapeutic day of gift-it-forward light,
some longer,
some shorter 
before naked covered night.

Why life?
To uncover...

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Categories: subjects, adventure, earth, earth day, farm, love, peace,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Chapter 92 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Family Affairs
Next day new school day. 
Amadeus was the first to
Wake then he woke DJ and 
Damali And all three went for
The showers. Twenty minutes 
Later they woke everybody else 
Including the adults. The Hakim 

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Categories: subjects, beach, christmas, emotions, family, first love, leadership,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Energy's Dying Wish
So, if I understand correctly,
you want to respond to inevitable energy descent
by upgrading incentives for cooperative communication,
positive information expansion,
research and regenerative design,
and ecopolitical evaluation strategies?

because we achieved current WinWin cooperative communication
and organic networking capacities
by virtue...

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Categories: subjects, culture, deep, games, green, health, language, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Chapter 18: Dolly Damian Molly and Polly: Love In Degrees
Date:   April   2026

The 1st degree is unknown 

Damian and Polly had planned
The trip to the Copy Cat Club
For weeks with Dolly and Molly
The club was popping when
They hit the scene.
The DJ...

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Categories: subjects, beautiful, culture, fun, good night, hello, integrity,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member God As Brown As An Egg
If God is EggWhite
then Tao is His embryonic EarthYolk.

Why would you say such a confusing and silly thing?

What is the difference between a Paradise Tree of Life and Death
and a Great Chain of Being?

Is this...

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Categories: subjects, earth, god, health, history, motivation, power, psychological,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Unquotable Quotes: Journalists - Dedication To Andre Fontaine - Xxvi
Unquotable quotes: Tale-Carriers, Gossip-Mongers, Courrier-Pigeon Caretakers, Smoke-Signal Puffers and Tom-Tom Thumpers – XXVI

Could there be such things as political shenanigans or inter-continental warfares, even catastrophes, natural disasters, tsunamis, irruptions, conflagrations, inundations, landslides, typhoons, tornadoes, hurricanes,...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: subjects, power,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member A Poem For My History Teacher
I wanted to write
 The best slavery poem   ever written—
Perhaps win a Pulitzer or Faulkner. 

I had every intention of conforming 
To the standards 
Of modern verse and composition, 
Lyrics fluidly written, 

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Categories: subjects, assonance, forgiveness, history, holocaust, humanity, memorial, slavery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's 28th Legal: Letter Jan 2, 1966 By T Wignesan
Eric Mottram on the American literary and cultural scene during 1965-66 while he was the recipient of the American Learned Societies’ award for a year. (begun in the last post and to be continued)

January 2,...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: subjects, america, art, creation, culture, music, poetry, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Queen of England
Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary ll
Her seemingly eternal monarch--God has now beckoned
Balmoral Castle, reigned over the United Kingdom
"God Save The Queen" The British national anthem
21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022

“We are all visitors to this...

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© I Am Anaya  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: subjects, appreciation, celebration, grief,
Form: Clerihew
Raid Versus Woe
Raid versus woe

Black flag(s) show up
on social media platforms
when potential homicidal maniac(s)
communicate(s) intent to strike
with ambush and ready
read - able, eager, and willing
to embark upon murderous rampage.

Prospective killer armed to the teeth
usually a young bucking...

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Categories: subjects, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 1st
Form: Rhyme
Our Baby Girl Turns 21


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Categories: subjects, daughter, daughter, school, baby, nature, beautiful, age,
Form: Rhyme
Babylonian Anthem
Thou, O king, hast made a decree, 
that every man that shall hear the
sound of the cornet, flute, harp,
sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, 
and all kinds of musick, shall fall
down and worship the golden image:
And whoso...

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Categories: subjects, bible, patriotic, religious, truth,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Less Hellfire Please
YinPassion: Predictions of HellFire and Damnation raptures,
of Paradise far away from sinful natural EarthClimates of Despair
is not so different from our indigenous ancestors' experience
in the U.S.A. 1800s.

Robersmith: "This situation is not so different from one...

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Categories: subjects, earth, games, health, integrity, peace, psychological, sin,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Light Enchantments
Starting way back
with sixteen hundred Scientific Revolutions
in math and physics
biology and ecology
climate chemistry and analogical theology
began transubstantiating dialects
Deductive/Seductive outside
Reductive/Retributive inside
nature of ZeroSoul selves
travelers on a ZeroZen MotherEarth Land
Great time-chain of enchanted/disenchanted Becoming.

Science brought home the...

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Categories: subjects, earth, green, health, history, math, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Job - Part 2
On the plane I meditated or at least I tried to.  Most of the time I get a seat to myself.  These days it’s just a ****ing Greyhound in the sky.  I...

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Categories: subjects, death, desire, first love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Knowing Hate, Growing Health
He who is contented is rich
He who is determined has strength of will

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Categories: subjects, anger, culture, fear, hate, love, nature, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member When Three Cousins Played
Three cousins played a “game’ of war
A map of Europe spread across the floor
No adults there to keep the score
As each of them wanted more and more

Three of four empires lay upon that map
As they...

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Categories: subjects, war,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Landsbyen -Into the North- An Epic Poem 17
Erlenkönig pulled the chair out beside Aisling's and sat on the side of the table.  A large, luxuriant and ornate chair headed the end of the table,
several places down from where he sat...

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Categories: subjects, christmas, fairy,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Poet Convention 2014
Poet Convention

Lost in a poets convention, 
I can't recall every poem, I've read through the years
50518, unique comments I 'validate'--- 
Thank You For Sharing Your Happy and Sad tears 
Since March 24, 2010 In the...

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Categories: subjects, celebration, character, dedication, farewell, goodbye, inspiration, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member L'Overture

Lest we forget
Words often mouthed
For the dead of bloody war
Forgot not those great ones
Whose battles were on the home front
Seeking only equality of voice

Ray Charles to you was a singer
Backwards and long ago he was...

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Categories: subjects, black african american, encouraging, freedom, french, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Stranger
*Image of Thunder & Lightning by Pixabay.

The Stranger
My life warps by its beasts of woes
depression dogs my day
at night, stress drains my restless soul
the wrongs have no delay

Myself am I, forsook decreed
hope laid by things...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: subjects, allegory, encouraging, faith, meaningful, missing, mother son,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Strange and the Stranger - a Short Story
Due to some rare, genetic disorder, Cliff was born with physical features that made him different from everyone else.  Although, most people would say “different” was a kind term to use to describe Cliff....

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© Joe Flach  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: subjects, life,
Form: Narrative
Ghosts of the Sun Dance-Part 1
Ghosts of the Sun Dance

1. The Path

A quest dating back through our history
Surpassing the flesh, a spiritual path
Human endurance, road to mystery
Dark trail winding through the gardens of wrath

It echoes through me, this deep ambition

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Categories: subjects, spiritual, sports, endurance, drug,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Darwin's Double-Dark Dilemma
Elder Darwin swims in ethology.
He rolls in his deep grave ecology.
He itches and scratches his dissonance
that survival of most fitted and dense
implies manifest destiny for those YangStrong
while Darwin's Cross and his own eyes
clearly disguised
camouflaged ectosymbiotic...

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Categories: subjects, culture, death, earth, environment, nature, night, science,
Form: Free verse
Ford's Theater April 15th 1865
Ford's Theater, April 15th, 1865...
Petersen House, Washington, D.C.

I admit to own a passion
for the Civil War in general,
and the life and death of
the sixteenth president in particular
between a hard spot of whiskey
and draughts of arrack;

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Categories: subjects, absence, age, america, anniversary, april, bereavement, cry,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs