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Long Standard Poems

Long Standard Poems. Below are the most popular long Standard by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Standard poems by poem length and keyword.

Fully Employed Now
Humanity keeps looking forward, toward the coming of a birth,
and we’re all deemed as equals on our first day on this earth,
but as the years go quickly by our lives become our own;
we’re seen as...

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Categories: standard, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Ice Cream Gran 5 - Turbo, We Have a Problem
It’s heading for our planet at ten thousand miles an hour
To stop it all the experts say we haven’t got the power
All the nukes in all the world won’t constitute a plan
So someone said, ‘All...

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Categories: standard, grandmother, hero, space,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Urbane History Lessons
I have a hardbound copy of
"The City of Hartford 1784-1984"
although most of this coffee table story
of unfortunate events
takes place between 1850 and 1950s,
before and after the UnCivil War,
like the U.S. Catholic Church
and many MainLine Protestant...

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Categories: standard, caregiving, city, health, integrity, meaningful, universe,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Warrior

When the Argonauts, came across 
the abandoned Starship, they 
found within the wrecked 
command console, a DNA code
with encrypted message. 
It took several attempts to 
reactivate, but when opened, 
the following was translated: ...

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Categories: standard, humanity, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Wonderland VIII: Conclusion
it feels good to escape
with authors and poets
and dream up new places
with tales that are spun.

but sometimes what's real
and sometimes what isn't
encroach on each other
and read just as one.

such are the worlds
of rhyme but no...

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Categories: standard, 10th grade, emotions, literature, world,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Smooth Big Cat
"Smooth Big Cat"

He was one of those guys you just knew would be a dud. "Be nice", she said to herself.

She met him on the upswing from the abyss of a dismally closed final chapter....

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Categories: standard, adventure, muse, mystery, romance,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Working With Theories
I'm working on this Systems Theory

All existing formal religious traditions
and informal spiritual experience 
of Great Sacred EcoLogical Transitions
[e.g. Holocene to 
Green AnthroScene;
HolySpirit to
Whole Holonic Natural Communion Systems]

through our divine monotheistic
and/or polytheistic
and/or atheistic naturalistic branches
shared as...

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Categories: standard, anxiety, appreciation, culture, health, integrity, peace, religion,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Beary Tales Episodes 25-33, Poet's Notes
Note to Readers of Previous Versions:
There are so many new vignettes scattered throughout the poem that I hope you will reread the whole thing! There are new GEMS, improvements to previous verses and improved footnotes...

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Categories: standard, adventure, appreciation, best friend, blessing, innocence, love,
Form: Rhyme
Perhat Turson: Elegy Translation
Perhat Tursun

Perhat Tursun (1969-) is one of the foremost living Uyghur language poets, if he is still alive. Born and raised in Atush, a city in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Tursun began writing poetry...

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Categories: standard, brother, eulogy, magic, prison, spiritual, violence, wine,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Retire V Retread
What I have for you today is not so much about re-treading an outdated fuel-based system--
little bit like reshuffling the chairs to fix the decay 
of a segregating Country Club.

No, this is addressed to economic...

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Categories: standard, earth, giving, nature, philosophy, poverty, religion, science,
Form: Free verse
The Daily Star Thursday issue
The Daily Star Thursday issue...

announces Summer Solstice 2024
regarding purr ray zing planetary earthlings
paying obeisance to god/goddess of the sun 
Thursday, June twentieth
at 4:51 Post Meridian
Eastern standard time
will find Earth's North Pole tilted
closest toward sun. 


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Categories: standard, anniversary, beauty, celebration, june, star, summer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Interview - For Contest
This situation has no basis in reality; in fact, it is ludicrously unreal. However, the likes and dislikes shown of its author are completely true!

Scene: A comfortable office where Andrea Dietrich is finishing up with...

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Categories: standard, fantasy,
Form: Prose
The Daily Star Tuesday Issue
The daily star Tuesday issue...

announces Summer Solstice 2023
regarding ray zing planetary earthlings

Wednesday, June twenty first
at 10:57 Ante Meridian
Eastern standard time
will find Earth's North Pole tilted
closest toward sun. This demarcates

most daylight hours of the year for

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Categories: standard, age, angel, appreciation, beautiful, creation, england, summer,
Form: Free verse
Territory Trample
Headlights messaged through midnight windows 
Curtainless glass unable to subdue the urgency 
Car obtained in street nearby was theirs temporarily
Three hour drive to ship leaving island next morning

Two sixteen year old girls barely registered surprise...

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Categories: standard, 11th grade, change, conflict, for teens, journey,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Fr Time's Curious Ambiguity
Fr. Time, are you a monopolistic universalist?

Yes, but also a polycultural evolutionist.

Are you an outgoing kinda Yang guy?

Yes, but in an out/integrity balancing kindness
of an in/outgoing co-passionately healthy communicator
Easier to share life's co-operative win/win 

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Categories: standard, destiny, earth, humor, identity, nature, political, time,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member So Many Questions
(A both serious and fanciful encounter with God)          

1. There are so many questions that I have for God, 
Oh my love, don't you feel the...

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Categories: standard, religion, universe, , atheist,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Colin the Caped Cabbie
Colin is a cabby with a proper taxi cab
He drives for all the passengers an Uber didn’t grab
Which means he has a lot of time to kill most every day
And lots of evil folk to...

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Categories: standard, hero, humorous,
Form: Narrative
My X-Mas Wish To Santa, My Letter To Santa, Keep the Worst Buddy
                         MY CHRISTMAS WISH TO SANTA

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Categories: standard, appreciation, blessing, christmas, forgiveness, friendship, giving, truth,
Form: Sonnet
Traditional Solitaire potential combinations
Traditional Solitaire potential combinations...

that clenched another win today
February 20th, 2024 
(eight hundred and ninety yesterdays ago 
since June 13th, 2021)
original crafting date of following poem,
when yours truly 
single handedly trumped computer, 
for umpteenth time,
which saw...

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Categories: standard, 12th grade, 8th grade, adventure, age, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lost In the Mists, Parts I-Iv
Lost In the Mists Parts I - IV


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Categories: standard, mystery, spiritual, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Kellyanne's Fake Constitutional Rock
"The Second Amendment is a bedrock principle of our Constitution..."

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Categories: standard, anger, history, humor, integrity, language, leadership, usa,
Form: Political Verse
Traditional Solitaire Potential Combinations
Traditional Solitaire potential combinations...
that clenched another win (yahoo)
jimmied today August 15th, 2022 single handedly
just before the crack of dawn
with both hands tied behind my back,
and a blindfold worn over my eyes.

While in the midst of...

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Categories: standard, 11th grade, 12th grade, adventure, birth, computer,
Form: Free verse
The Daily Star Announces Summer Solstice 2022
The daily star announces Summer Solstice 2022

Tuesday, June twenty first
at 5:13 Ante Meridian
Eastern standard time
will find Earth's North Pole tilted
closest toward sun. This demarcates

most daylight hours of the year for
people living the northern hemisphere.
Just shy...

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Categories: standard, appreciation, beautiful, blessing, celebration, creation, devotion, june,
Form: Rhyme
Traditional Solitaire Potential Combinations
Traditional Solitaire potential combinations...
that clenched another win (today June 13th, 2021) single handedly

While in the midst of playing solitaire 
(with losing outcome foreordained 
after a couple moves), I became gripped 
with combinations predicated on thirteen...

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Categories: standard, adventure, america, fun, heart, history, imagination, literature,
Form: Free verse
Rise Above It
A man who lacks a sleep schedule.
In a home that houses not only him
But his very own mother
His daughter who comes equipped with
Her very own mother too

Honey girl rises with the sun and sets with...

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Categories: standard, allusion, analogy, anxiety, betrayal, deep, discrimination, wisdom,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs