Long Nurturance Poems
Long Nurturance Poems. Below are the most popular long Nurturance by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Nurturance poems by poem length and keyword.
Conservative Healthy SpiralsGenetic, so therefore regenetic, conservatism
of DNA and this fractal function's Elder RNA-rooted ecosystemic
political psychologies,
ecologies of empowerment,
and not so much;
and notnot historic enculturation
of Business As Usual LeftBrain ReIterative Dominance
of deduction-reduction-redaction,
yet still dipolar-dialectical ecosystemic health
(0)-sum-core-centric ecopolitical...
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nurturance, blessing, culture, earth, games, health, political, psychological,
Political Verse
CommonSense Political WorkPartyEcoMinisters of Earth Rights
EcoLogicians of resilient encircling might
EcoLegislators of bicameral balancing disposition
What is our highest and best CommonSense
of currently elected policy-choosers?
Where are our optimal health outcomes
of proactive CommonSense?
What does vast emptiness of positive results
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nurturance, addiction, community, creation, culture, health, political, wisdom,
Political Verse
After School Jam SessionHow was school today?
Did you learn anything important?
Maybe. I'm not sure yet.
Really? What are you considering?
We talked about Howard Odum's natural trinity
of altruism.
Maybe I skipped that day
way back in premillennial times
before Permaculture Design had taken...
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nurturance, culture, earth, education, environment, health, humor, science,
Political Verse
Cooperative FeministasCooperative Feministas
are not quite so much Competitive Manifestos.
In David Holmgren's introduction to Permacultural Therapeutic Design,
he contrasts "Industrial Culture" with "Sustainable Culture"
kind of like comparing masculine LeftBrain culture
with feminist RightBrain enculturation, nurturance, resonance
over the longer-term scenaria,
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nurturance, anti bullying, caregiving, destiny, health, humanity, humor,
Political Verse
Harriet Harris nee KuritskyHarriet Harris née Kuritsky...
Despite being a nineteen year old bride
she wed Boyce Brandon Harris
half a decade her senior,
(where I ranked less than a twinkle in their eyes)
during the month of June 1955,
not quite half...
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nurturance, america, anniversary, celebration, death, emotions, funeral, in
Prodigal Poets"And when he came to himself"
Luke 15:17
In another millennial time and Chinese/Russian place,
Taoism began as aphorisms and poetry
about political philosophy,
articulating a bicameral tension
between Conservative Yangers,
patriarchal universalist ego empire builders,
and Unitarian Progressive Yinners, WinWinners,
a matriarchal cooperative...
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nurturance, health, history, humanity, humor, religion, wisdom, woman,
Political Verse
Therapeutic TalkingTalk therapy
among braver angels
and curious devilish advocates,
Evolves natural contemplative thoughts
of healthy minds and bodies
felt sacredly neuro-systemic
dynamic systems
reconnecting sensory consciousness
and mindful sexual experience
with worldviews recombining
Liberal YangTruth and Conserving YintegralBeauty
in co-empathic compassion
Nonviolently hopeful
win/win bicameral intelligence
exploring why
And healthy...
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nurturance, health, humanity, humor, peace, senses, sensual, stress,
Political Verse
Cloud of KnowingI believe it was Buckminster Fuller
who first posited
a prime appositional,
like Yang and Yin,
but his was:
Energy is to physical nature
as Information is to metaphysically languaged systems.
if we were to add the Yin and Yang
of this positivist-regenerative...
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nurturance, health, humor, language, leadership, love, mental illness,
Political Verse
Cross-ReadingI'm reading The Evolving Self:
A Psychology for the Third Millennium,
by Czikszentmihalyi,
and How the West [sadly] Came To Rule:
The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism,
Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nisanciogla
at the same time.
Czikszentmihalyi (C) wears academic labels of Positive...
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nurturance, creation, culture, earth, environment, health, political,
Political Verse
Psychology of Political EconomicsShalom, Aloha, Namaste
Identity is rooted in socioeconomic health of mutual trust,
beginning in utero
swimming about in embryonic nutrition,
rather than active distrust
or more passive mistrust of the relatively unknown
yet somehow paranoic alien, Other.
The psychological fuel for polypathic...
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nurturance, beauty, blessing, culture, health, humor, psychological, social,
Prose Poetry
Family Health AssessmentI have watched my youngest son
while nurses give him baths
using diverse models of health optimization
ranging from PositivEnergy Promotion,
restorative ego-eco
I-Thou therapies,
to lower, not too much NegativEnergy, concerns
for hygienic technology professional management,
anger and fear commercialized insurance...
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nurturance, earth, education, health, humor, muse, music, nature,
Political Verse
Routine RitualsRoutine.
New Year
yet the same ritualistic routines,
absent their blissfully celebrating roots
buried in more fertile loves and hope-filled times
and might have beens
if not for this today
with these people
on this sacred nurturing Goddess Earth,
Still making more or less...
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nurturance, blessing, earth, health, myth, nature, new year,
Political Verse
Secret Lives of ShameWe could speak together,
Decry rabid violence of chronically stressed kids
and young adults acting like kids,
apparently regardless of income or race;
perhaps not of enculturation.
Feeling claustrophobic,
anxious about an unpromising competitive future,
drowning in inch-deep and narrow boxed-in mentoring...
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nurturance, abortion, caregiving, earth, happiness, health, integrity, racism,
Political Verse
Singing and Dancing In BalanceWhat I care about
and what I am working
and even playing hard with
is better understanding what and how
we and Earth
communicate to and with each other,
regenerating mindbody health sometimes,
and yet degenerating pathological climates and subclimates,
ecopolitical chemistry puzzles...
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nurturance, art, community, depression, faith, feelings, health, political,
Prose Poetry
Slice and Dicey EcofeministsWe could invite many ways
to slice and dice the prism
I first ran into this label
when spoken by a sexual advocate
in the early 70s
at the University of Michigan,
from the mouth of a transgendering ecofeminist
who felt more...
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nurturance, earth, education, humanity, humor, integrity, paradise, rainbow,
Political Verse
Twice-Told TaleI was speaking with a bus driver mom
about her bipolar son withdrawing from meds
on a trial basis,
hoping to qualify for military service.
She was praising the strengths of her son's Christian school,
from which he is about...
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nurturance, christian, culture, earth, power, religion, science,
Prose Poetry
John 3: 16 RewriteIf John 3:16 is read as,
For God so loved Earth
that S/he gave up Her only begotten-beloved Child,
so all future regenerating generations
might have eternal timeless love lives.
it doesn't feel quite right.
It doesn't even sound rational,
nor consistently...
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nurturance, destiny, earth, gender, god, health, war,
Political Verse
Complexities of ConsciousnessHerein, the evolutionary positive psychologist's voice is that of C,
leaning sometimes toward the yang-ego identity side,
while the evolutionary ecopolitician's voice,
doing his best to play WinWin ecotherapist, is D.
C: The best way to live is by...
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nurturance, culture, earth, health, political, psychological,
Political Verse
How the East Was LostThe title,
How the West Came to Rule,
disturbs me enough to continue reading,
like wanting to escape a nightmare
but too fear frozen with why it could never truly end well
to stop dreaming.
In this case,
is to stop reading.
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nurturance, creation, culture, earth, history, humor, political, psychological,
Political Verse
Her Never Ending Creation StoryWINTER
We all have heard The Greatest Creation Story Ever Told,
and it is
as title so boldly baldy states.
Yet, within and without,
before yet also after,
this History of Earth's CoRedemption
deepy lies
highest and healthiest Her EarthStory
born of Sun,
RNA's ReGeneration...
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nurturance, beauty, culture, dance, health, humor, muse, music,
Prose Poetry
Harriet Harris Circa November 13th, 1935 - May 4th, 2005Harriet Harris circa November 13th, 1935 - ~ May 4th, 2005
untimely death sentence ordained
approximately six months prior
to mother dearest celebrating
her seventieth birthday,
though the last three years of her life
impacted courtesy hysterectomy
to remove...
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nurturance, absence, age, anniversary, birthday, death, family, mother,
Harriet Harris nee Kuritsky circa November 13thHarriet Harris née Kuritsky circa November 13th,
1935 - ~ May 4th, 2005
(untimely death sentence ordained ~ early February 1935)
I trot out a poem acknowledging birthday
of dear ole mom, who succumbed,
lost lease on life
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nurturance, absence, age, america, anniversary, appreciation, bereavement, birthday,
Restoring Ourselves"In restoring the land, I restore myself."
Franz Dolp
We long ago started bilateral tree balancing information
for mind and land restoration structures.
We noticed trees in an old secular commodified above...
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nurturance, creation, culture, earth, health, integrity, remember, science,
Political Verse
Harriet Harris Circa November 13th 1935 May 4th 2005Harriet Harris circa November 13th, 1935 - ~ May 4th, 2005
(untimely death sentence ordained ~ early February 1935)
Test teasing prophylactics embarrassing
purchase never made at local drugstore
unsurprisingly, obviously, invariably...
birth control taboo subject, best to ignore
subsequently intercourse...
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nurturance, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 8th
Ground of BecomingAristotle thought happiness is the foundation of existence.
Since then, others have worried that maybe survival is closer
to their own more suffering experience.
I don't exactly disagree with Aristotle,
or with those on the more suffering side...
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nurturance, conflict, games, happiness, health, loss, psychological, sorrow,
Political Verse