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Education As If All Deaths Matter

Political Science of Eco-Educational Vocations Really? That’s my topic? Didn’t Paulo Freire already do this one? Oh, I see..ecosystemic learning and mentoring, including pedagogical development systems doing the best we can, bless our matriotically nurturing hearts, to figure out our own deep ecosystemic co-empathic consciousness of regenerative ego-health as eco-truth as bilaterally balancing bouncing beauty. We could suggest educational self-learning systems begin with bicameral balloon listening skills, balancing our internal fusing networks with our octave sounds of light’s and dark's mysterious rhythmic patterns, surfing radiant Sun sweeping Earth’s pregnant wet skin. From surf in and out listening to noticing in-between spaces, both 1+1 dipolar appositional, but also 1x1 nondual co-arising spaces between enthymematic places, some with bicameral communication faces and bodies responding to cooperative and competing learning-listening Others. Pedagogical EcoSystems synergetic listening communication networks, deep learning political science of noticing both cooperative multicultural/polycultural health and competitive monopolistic/monocultural pathological trends with runaway climate cultures of negative-dissonantly-hyperactive feedback, exercising restraint through Anger Management, sustained occupiers of Yang dominance longing to reweave unraveling of belonging within both science and religion of living v dieing as natural-spiritual ecosystemic function PrimeYang PolyNomial Plus cooperatively co-arising YinYin notnot WintoWinto-gather double-bind temporal reverse LoseLose egoconsciousness of mutual spinning our anthrogentric wheels, twiddling our thumbs InBetween empathic trusted exegetically harmonic healthy learning to learn ecologic’s internally confirmed eisegetically heuristic polypathy, regenerative evidence of cooperative political-empathic sciences, sensory multicultural memories. We benefit from anciently permacultural contracts with Earth’s Nurturing Educational Trees and Plants, creating a breathable atmosphere into perpetuity, Primal Educational Contracts with Earth’s SoilRights of Sacred Skin breathing in rich nutrients of light’s composting fuels and forms and heroic functions, breathing out frequencies of revolving recycling healthy ecosystemic biologic embryonic music, resoundingly harmonic CQI ReGenerative ReCycling ReVolution Standards of global health and safety, political truth as economic beauty, education and defense from undue monochromatic deadly dissonance. Prime Pedagogical Listening Contracts with Earth’s Waters, to hear them, thirsty beauty as truth flowers, confining weeds to healthy encultural BusinessAsUsual shares, trading shade for regenerative worms and strings of roots, ecosystemic Time's matriarchal twining bilateral selves, regenerating cells of paradigmatic multicultural political eco-evolutioning research scientists deep-learning/earning enculturing rich systems. In-between, wu wei Golden Ruling kule, if it means not-this not-that then adding betweens also means at least some of both this way AND that way, make each more better, OK. Fundamentalism, like terrorism, is antithetical to both politically wise and profound science and religious-ecosystemic development stories of sacred listening and noticing rebirths of Messianic Suns articulating EarthMothers nurture-loving fertile values, deep learning enculturation’s biologically embryonic history of nonverbal nonviolent (normative as BusinessAsUsual as CoOperative Evolution), natural sciences, not unnatural devolutional dissonance as told and foretold by Mother Nature's EarthTribal EgoSelves deep learning health-culture listening systems, listening to animated life as love, fundamentalist distrust as hate, to death as absence of active multiculturing synergy, opposite of deep enculturing rich dense cooperative integrity-life; the contrasting creolizing spectral tipping points binomial away from monocultural, monopolistic, terrors of deadly killing supremacist fundamentalism, following sacred idols with no nutritional clothes, no fuelling powers, no reality other than continuously vacuuming absence of co-empathic trust deep learning sacred pedagogy holonic bilateral mentoring.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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