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Long Humor love Poems

Long Humor love Poems. Below are the most popular long Humor love by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Humor love poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Mom's UnderGround PeaceTrain
A transitional skill
my Mom taught me,
good to use when I start to feel at-risk,
whether in my relationship with her,
or with EarthDays more kosmic travels 
through naturally wild 
and domestic spirits.

Remember to ask permission 

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Categories: humor love, beauty, community, earth, humanity, humor, love, mother,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Gaia Out Speaks
Queen Gaia
of Earth's Shabbat
is here to speak today.

she can only sign,
and the only way she can see
is through our DNA/RNA fractally-balancing syntax,
so she has asked if she could respond to your questions
as she understands them

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Categories: humor love, earth, gender, god, health, humor, love, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Just Doin' My Translation Job
It's all frustratingly LeftBrain relativistic,
even nihilistic in its darker 
paranoid about chaotic outcomes form,
said Einstein's post-millennial ghost.

So its all synergetic fractal 4D equivalent SpaceTime,
said Fuller,
in co-arising nondual P = N(NP)/2 (0)-Core response.

Interesting you should...

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Categories: humor love, creation, health, humor, love, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Romeo and Juliet: the Remix
Three voices required,
and two students:
Yang as Fr. Time
YinYin as Sr. Gaia

In a college classroom with Win-Win Game Theory written on whiteboard.

Today we are going to role play 
a Win-Win enculturation game.

Natural and Social Communication...

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Categories: humor love, absence, allegory, destiny, games, humor, love, myth,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Caregiving Stories Continued
Wounded Sacred Dementia

My last foster care-provider
and -receiver story
is also a sad story
of my last special needs adoption
of bipolar born,
and oppositionally reared,

My BiPolar Wounded Child
turned an auspicious five
on the day I first saw her,
and promptly rejected...

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Categories: humor love, caregiving, health, humor, love, parents,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Earth's Final Answer
A society
humane species
or more likely under-valuing,
how to unitedly suffer loss
may never have learned to face our universal fear 
of dissociative ego-death
as a badge of Earth-systemic re-cognition,
dignity through suffering 
sacred Ego's over-capitalized absence
where once we knew...

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Categories: humor love, beauty, earth day, health, humor, love, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Taotree of Good and Notsomuch
BodyLove feels like muscular energy, 
while AgapeMindLove emerges weirdly in reverse;
mind fluency, fertility, health…

Not in any way dissonant with BodyLove,
to grow maturing health also ecologically balanced 
EgoAnthro ReGenerate Positive Psychology
HealthAsWealth EarthTribal MindBodies.

That is,
I feel like...

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Categories: humor love, community, creation, culture, health, humor, love, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Gratitude For Truth As Beauty
Why is it that gratitude
for peak response to truth with beauty
multiculturally embraces Positive Psychology's
mental health,
humane respect 
for life's naturally pleasant graces?

Yet sapient sacred trust 
in Earth's impassioned beauty spaces
remains spiritually unexplored,
under-mined Truth,
anemically practiced compassion


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Categories: humor love, beauty, earth, happiness, health, humor, love, truth,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Pronoia Happiness Finals
Brezsny in quotes:

"Bestow a blessing on a person you've considered to be beneath you
or alien to you."

Donald, may your future communications involve both deeper listening
and comprehensively ecological learning
about our cooperative potential as individually evolving parents,

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Categories: humor love, blessing, earth, health, humanity, humor, love,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member I'Ve Been So Lucky In Life 1,2
I’ve Been So Lucky in Life! (1&2)
(Only Raped 5 Times Metaphorically)

Poem’s Introduction
My poetry has always been about transparency. It’s about letting go of an effort to be liked by others, and allowing others to gravitate...

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Categories: humor love, abuse, angst, faith, humor, love, pain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Windstorms of Neglect
Dearest Sons
and dearest Cinderella StepSister,
I regret ways I have failed each of you.

From today's view of memory clips,
frames as farms of teaching-learning times,
my Great Lover Eldest, yet perpetually unfulfilled,
AfricanAmerican urban male Thug,
driver of van repurposing...

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Categories: humor love, culture, family, happiness, health, humor, love, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The 0cay Exterminator
I suppose there are no new problems in the world to be exterminated,
well, I mean, of course there are as many new problems
as there are creatures having a new day today,
but I mean I suppose...

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Categories: humor love, earth, hate, health, humor, love, political, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Beloved Green Commons
What purpose do I choose to live;
remaining aloof from evil practice and intent?
What meaning can we find to live,
reversing "evil"
that could transcend our individual absence of identity?
Original Intent uncovers love-life's revolutionary invitation
into mutual belonging.

What is...

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Categories: humor love, anger, creation, evil, fear, humor, love, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member If We Were Gods
If we were Earth gods and goddesses,
with powers to create anything we prefer
for our healthiest wealth attainment,
would we settle for living in a swamp
created by our own collective lack of mindfulness
about how to play longer-term...

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Categories: humor love, creation, education, health, humor, love, political, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member That Gratitude Attitude
A co-empathic sense of trust,
appreciation of echo-resonant
deep-listening resolving life.

Autumnal taproot harvesting spring-hope,
just as summer's nutritional maturation
unfolds Origin of fertile decomposing mindfulness.

Why Thich Nhat Hanh thinks it important to smile
Why Positive Deviance works.
Why Positive Psychology...

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Categories: humor love, beauty, culture, happiness, health, heart, humor, love,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member geneva
During finals week, I’d spent days on various reports and papers, scribbling in the margins of notes and books, checking facts, revising flashcards and prepping with friends. I’ve an unshakable faith in plodding persistence.
We were...

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Categories: humor love, boyfriend, humor, love, school, student, travel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Irrational Numbers, With Lyrics
The number of folks sitting
on the back porch
for peace to strike,
like waiting for my garden to grow
without yet having planted it.

The number of people
noticing that chronic victims
suffer from critical victimization events,
minus the number who also...

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Categories: humor love, earth, education, humor, love, math, peace, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Mean Economists 404
This course will encourage aspiring cooperative economists
to distinguish between mean national incomes
and global median incomes,
with diverse long-term capital growth/evaporation trends

imagine USA mean income, including investment income,
could approach $500,000 for two-parent working households
per year.

Are you kidding...

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Categories: humor love, blessing, culture, health, humor, love, money,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member God of Playtime Loves
I know nothing brighter than disdain
for algebra’s insane fascination with irrational outcomes,
dissonating my natural empathy
with harmonic blends and rhythms,
patterns of fore-giving symmetry
and holonic wholy closure.

By contrast,
the only polymath I take to,
warm wet eco-polity compost
transforming into...

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Categories: humor love, earth, earth day, god, humor, love, math,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Healthy and Resilient Diplomacy
And I respond
to your unasked question:
What might love have to do with regenesis,

You ask me these questions 
about framing an essential therapeutic message,
for that must be how centering questions end,
about essence

eucharistic ZeroSum
ReGenerative Green 
Resonant and...

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Categories: humor love, earth, environment, green, health, humor, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Franciscan Swissophiles
part of my own historic root system,
has a Bill of Rights for vegetation,
protecting rights of intrinsic dignity
with concomitant human respect for their healthy and aesthetic purposes.
It is not OK to merely throw away 
without regard...

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Categories: humor love, gender, health, humor, love, political, poverty, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Choosing Safe Hands and Heads
Like you,
I make choices each moment
of each day.
we review those choices each dreaming moment
of enculturing memory.
We choose within a range
of resonance
polycultural potential 
for nurturing WinWin resolution--
or cognitiveLeft/affectiveRight dissonance

Dissonance between our
Left Ego's Interior Landscape,
a land...

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Categories: humor love, destiny, happiness, health, humor, love, nature, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Invite Our Day
Live each day
as if this day were your last.

What do you mean, dear?
Each day is your last day.

Well, no,
not if you have another tomorrow,
or perhaps even if you merely plan for a tomorrow
which never comes...

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Categories: humor love, gender, health, humor, love, political, psychological, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Earthmother Teachout
Earth offers outdoor organic classes
in Cooperative Health Proposal Design
and Revolutionary WinWin Research Writing
for restoring WinLeft/WinRight nutritional justice
and co-empowering bilateral peace.

Earth rises and sets permaculture designers
for ZeroZone Ego/Eco nondual-centric revolutions,
cooperative journal-writing and bodymind-map making,
Golden Rule health...

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Categories: humor love, earth, education, gender, health, humor, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Competing In Tough Love Markets
We often think of how best to compete in a very tough love market.
How to look
and smell
and sound our healthiest and highest commodified use
to attract the interest of others
with both similar and diverse sight
and hearing

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Categories: humor love, beauty, culture, health, humor, love, philosophy, political,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry