God of Playtime Loves
I know nothing brighter than disdain
for algebra’s insane fascination with irrational outcomes,
dissonating my natural empathy
with harmonic blends and rhythms,
patterns of fore-giving symmetry
and holonic wholy closure.
By contrast,
the only polymath I take to,
warm wet eco-polity compost
transforming into well-fed democratic root systems
Feeding on more than geometry,
is sacred geologic,
organic ecological applications
for natural neurodiverse
spirited systems co-passion theory
In which close enough
for healthy win/win work
and wealthy musing play,
and just show up
to peacefully tell us
what your LeftBrain numerals feel
And what goes patriarchal up
must come matriarchal down
to what goes dominating in
must come recessively back out again,
one monotheistic way and/or a non-zero souled
panentheistic Other
Are all wellness
becoming swell enough
not only for economic government work
but also intimate neuro-governance
of God as SunLightening
EarthPowering Gaian MusePlay.
Cooperative Win/Win play
full polypathic invocations
reconnecting solidarity within
all re-ligioning EarthTribes without
merging mystical experiences of light
empowering non-zero EarthSoil health
As NewMoon wealth
economizes dormant decomposition,
eco-unlogical death
of panentheistic
Gaian-pleasing passions
EgoMuse vocations reviving EcoWokeness,
like AnthroPlay of wellness
invoking religious re-use applications
co-passioning democratic healthcare
From geometry of neuro-biology
we see
and hear
and smell
and taste
and touch
and feel
each Love Player reflects a Wholy Exterior EarthScape
co-gravitating sensory center
as our Interior MindCrown/BodyRoot communion system
engages a bilateral dipolar co-arising passion/pleasure center,
half Ego-identified LeftThought,
half Eco-integrating RightFeeling
prime dual-fractal octave light
incarnating resonant vibrating choice
primal double-binding concave powers
discerning resiliently integral
round-circling voice.
Re-storied re-creative revolution
of healthy life
wealthy love
Cooperative crown-sung
in resonant harmonies,
of full-round circle
wholy holonic 4/4 octave resolutions.
Danced innovations on a 4-step fractal-seasonal
co-empowering theme
lightning calculated in prime neuro/eco-felt reason
restored in dialectic +/-,- nonzero soulfull
not not empty functions.
Yintegral round and Yang linear,
half positive health choice
not half negative AnthroGreedy voice
so split the 0-sum win/lose risks
and therein find potential non-0 win/win opportunities
for renewing balance
and re-ligioning EarthMuse revolution
of God as indigenous panentheistic love
for co-redeeming EarthTribe's MidWay
NonZero soul-full medicine.
From neuro/eco-sensory
Me/We co-sensory systemic
convex/concave co-binary logic
we see and hear
touch and feel
if monotheistic (x) re-ligions panentheistic (y)
then AnthroLove re-connects EarthTribe Win/Win Life.
But, it took Buckminster Fuller’s geometrics,
blended with Julian Jaynes’ evolutionary theory of bicameral mindbody consciousness,
to remind me
AnthroLove evolved through cooperative ego-dialogue within
as Earth's revolution emerges Win/Win
NonZero-souled without.
We are symbiotically 1/0
ego-patriarchal and eco-matriarchal
yang/yintegral bilaterally phylogenetic,
politically empowering bodies
and economically enlightened win/win minds
polyculturally loving EarthHealth wealthing outcomes.
Splitting dissonant differences
of prickly algebraic irrationality,
and other unhealthy,
climatically dissonant,
gooey unresilient
less than brilliant
polypathic ego-health
does not not equal
polymathic eco-wealth
Feeling nothing brighter than disdain
for algebra’s dissonant fascination
with irrational outcomes,
disassociating natural body empathy
with harmonic mindful blends
and soul-full enlightening rhythms,
patterns of fore-giving
re-connecting bi-hemispheric symmetry
with holonically vulnerable
and wholy transparent
indigenously inter-religious closure.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2016
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