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Long Heckling Poems

Long Heckling Poems. Below are the most popular long Heckling by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Heckling poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Twisted Knickers-Collaboration Open to Poets
Some people wind up with twisted knickers
When they get insulted by nitpickers
Words are sticks and stones
Causing moans and groans
When they hear heckling whispers and snickers

Women used to call knickers 'underpants'
They'd get them twisted with tauntings...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Gott, Oh Machtig, Trump Iz On the Warpath Again
Gott, oh mächtig, Trump iz on the warpath again!

Glad for birth write to express views
aware cunning linguists 
will apply figurative screws  
in an effort at blatant mud slinging ruse
exercised courtesy mail in ballots, 

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Categories: heckling, age, america, anger, angst, anxiety, betrayal, bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Curse of Black Beard
Down deep beneath fathoms icy keep, where deadmen’s
Scream in utter silences aquatic hell, amongst the devils
Graveyard of wreckage's carnage, there exists a ghostly harbor
Of phantom ships!
Anchored are the souls of the undead, and vessels craft...

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, adventure, boat, evil, fantasy, imagery, imagination, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Malevolent Maverick Mailer-Daemon
Malevolent maverick mailer-daemon...
wrought maximum monetary mayhem
within mein kampf

Incomprehensible inhumane
inquisitorial imp incarnate injudiciously,
ineffably, indescribably inflicted
inxs inexorable insidious injury.

Snake charmer also known
in the underworld as Harvey Specter
subliminally slithered,
and deftly insinuated himself
into body electric of yours truly
forever remotely...

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Categories: heckling, abuse, america, analogy, anger, anxiety, betrayal, confusion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Questionable Thomas and the Magic Trick
Thomas always asked questions
That is how he learned his lessons 
To celebrate the end of third grade 
Books were exchanged for a trip in a fair trade 
His class went to the local magic show...

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Categories: heckling, 3rd grade, age, boyfriend, children, magic, missing,
Form: Rhyme

Joy and I have been to Melbourne and we’re coming home at last,
From a family get together that I’m glad has come and passed,
It was good to catch up with the rellies who we haven’t...

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Categories: heckling, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Scar
“Only girls cry!…Oh, boo hoo!” laughed my brother, (as big brothers often do)
 He had been taunting me, teasing me, heckling me, as I whined, complained.
 Neither of us would have won a prize, for...

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Categories: heckling, brother, childhood, day, little sister, me,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Nuts In the Soup
"Nuts are in the soup!" 
That's what I've heard: not so absurd
Some add a pinch of spice now and then,
from wit and the sharpened nib of a pen.
Nutty little writers who like to fill
the soup...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
The Hen House
Cooped within ancient bodies, this inhabitant 
dwells amongst an elder net 
of crabby, crotchety, curmudgeonly claque 
of old folks, only a portion of population I met
which achey, flaky, kooky motley crue 
disgruntlement fed as peevish...

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Categories: heckling, care, class, environment, farewell, grave, nostalgia, retirement,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
~ (~) ~ Shades of Pale Grey ~ (~) ~
""Shades of grey; pale... poetic-yes... 
winds-wandering-wanting always find-their way... .
Amenable-open, cotton-fields sway-in-heavenly; supplicating;
the provision-God--His grace-guiding love rejoicing... laughing... !
Enchanting clouds willing up-high billow seeing this--drifting... Up higher-and higher-ambling 
yes-ambling-along kissing the Sun...

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© James Long  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, inspirational
Form: Prose Poetry
Gott Oh Mighty Trump Iz On the Warpath
Gott Oh Mighty,Trump iz on the Warpath!

Das Don Auld (can hard tank
tucker son of Carl, and leave
landscape barren) calling out
rigged ken tuckered hoarfrost race,
viz demolition derby presaging

death to White Anglo Saxon
democracy DOMS (delayed
onset muscle soreness)

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Categories: heckling, 4th grade, america, analogy, anti bullying, atheist,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Remembering the Scar
“Only girls cry!…Boo hoo!” 
"Look at you"  he taunted me, (as big brothers often do)
Making a mockery. He kept teasing me, heckling me, 
as I whined, and cried, and planned revenge 
Neither of us...

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Categories: heckling, brother, day, family, little sister, me,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Sirens Song
Legends speak of banshees of the blue briny deep, whom cast bewitching
Spells mesmerizing voice and song, beware youthful mariner for charms echoing
Beauty, may cause deceptions fall from grace, nay naivety’s innocence
Attracts creatures of passions folly!

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, adventure, fantasy, imagery, imagination, inspirational, mythology,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde

Science verses madness, welcome Dr. Jackal meet Mr. Hyde,
Within all mankind a darker side exists, it is the beast,
Teetering on the brink of being released at any time.
Hatred’s malcontent, our inner...

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, adventure, conflict, dark, evil, fantasy, halloween,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Haunting-2
Entombed behind isolation's walled prison, a haunting 
Malice has so trapped me within, evils chamber of the forsaken.
It crouches beneath shadows shroud, its leering eyes pierce,
Through the darkness’s pitch black covenant of the...

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, dark, evil, fantasy, gothic, imagery, science fiction,
Form: Free verse
I Killed the Earth Last Night
I killed the earth last night,
with my unregistered gun and I joined
rich men with toupees, and backbones 
of little boys. 
I killed the earth last night,
by bringing my .38 caliber to school.
Bang. Bang.
I killed the...

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Categories: heckling, america, conflict, culture, earth, political,
Form: Blank verse
Self Centered Greed

I've played plenty
On my conscious life weighed heavy
I have to stay ready
Then aim steady
Obstacles I will face many
Can't give ground or let them take any
These snakes pesky
Often they petty
Life can get way deadly
One big crazy...

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Categories: heckling, dark, deep, life, poetry, rap, sad, truth,
Form: Rhyme
What Am I?
I am the cubby in my closet during dreaded nap time,
Asking Mommy to fix my mess
Of barbies I thought looked better with no heads!
Grandma and me drinking her "special shakes" when I arrived,
Her outburst of...

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Categories: heckling, school, me, time, me, school, time,
Form: Verse
~ (~) ~ of Sweet Surrender ~ (~) ~

"Saw-an older-yet still-rather now that I think-of it-quite-young looking-physically
and-mentally... disabled-person get on-the bus one-afternoon-as I was-riding,

Joyous, stagily boisterous... !"

Believe-he-had-of-the-purest-right-to-be... !""


""Beautiful yes I so happy;

"First-time riding on bus-yes... .

he-took his-time... .""


Some-never make it this far.

Again-my-heart soared...

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© James Long  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, inspirational
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Portrait of a Nightmare
In the boxed gilded frame exists the residue of
A painter’s vision, of his nightmare placed upon
Locked within the cells of four square,
Lies a view into the ethereal world beyond our
Conscious mind.
A heckling demon does laugh,...

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, halloween, history, holiday, horror, imagery, imagination, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Faustian Bargain
A smashing sound stirs, they “bang the gavel.”
Concessions granted; court begins to unravel.
The eight need votes, an agreement was reached. 
Abandoning rightwing values once preached
Tenure, cast it as a repudiation of his failure to lead.

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© I Am Anaya  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, anger, corruption, devotion, discrimination, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Ghost Train
Along the mountain pine valley did the Iron Horse roar,
A steam belching black demon, burning red hot coals
Within it's steel belly.
Speed's hell bound creation, driven by greed's insatiable hunger,
Faster, faster it moves at acceleration rush,...

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, adventure, america, fantasy, halloween, history, imagination, science
Form: Free verse
No Bowing Before This Queen-A Collaboration
There's one who acts like a righteous queen
Prattling peacock, she loves to pose and preen
She is surly and gruff
Heckling slurs with a huff
And denouncing the life-saving vaccine

The haughty queen is quite aloof
and sometimes she acts...

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Categories: heckling, parody,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Tumbleweed Lullaby
Oh lord hear the lonesome cowboys lullaby, singing beneath
The vast prairie open sky.
Hush, do they not lull the restless cattle to sleep, by a soft
Undertones sweet melody.
Drifting plains men, singing of the sorrows broken hearted,

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, history, imagination, inspirational, international, longing, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Clown

The entire world loves a clown,
But wait until they get a load of me,
Is what the faceless figure under the mask
Says, heckling with laughter's haunting zeal.
After the lights of the midway fade, and the

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heckling, dark, evil, fear, halloween, holiday, horror, imagery,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things