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Long Dead meat Poems

Long Dead meat Poems. Below are the most popular long Dead meat by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Dead meat poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Naked Redmeat Emperors
RE: Continuing RedMeat Only,
much less any Green Leafy Salads

Abraham Lincoln thought it politically unhealthy,
and probably economically unwise,
to disinvest his Cabinet,
much less his entire Constitutionally incorporated population,
from ecopolitical diversity.

What is politically healthy,
probably not an all RedMeat...

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Categories: dead meat, anti bullying, body, emotions, health, loss, love,
Form: Political Verse

Soul Calling and I Am Awakening
Life is all about Transformations...
The one who was yesterday..
Is not the one  today..
The One who is here today..
Is not the one tomorrow..
Every human is transforming..
Within and out.. Mind.. Heart and soul.. 
Every Second every...

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Categories: dead meat, beautiful, birthday, butterfly, courage, fate, identity, self,
Form: Rhyme
Saint Catherine Was Excalibur
I always said tether to the void
Not any idealistic reason or choice
Now suspended I know why I’ve been devoid
Because how can one speak with an inside voice
Where no one can hear you outside yourself
Dawn of...

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Categories: dead meat, adventure, conflict, corruption, crazy, culture, dark, death,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Children Listen More
"Children Listen More"                                ...

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Categories: dead meat, children, daughter, growing up, morning, night, parents,
Form: Rhyme
Trojan Heart Part 1
Could you be the Trojan horse,
To bypass the defences of my heart?
Let harmless acts of kindness, run a course,
Break all barriers, to the tiniest part

For once there was, a fancy conqueror,
With soldiers and horses, and...

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Categories: dead meat, inspirational, introspection, lost love, love
Form: I do not know?

Mean Queen ,Halloween! ! !
      In Here!!

All black
   All back!

Vamps think
           to drink!

Red ink

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Categories: dead meat, death
Form: I do not know?
Dead Meat
There is A small portion lying

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© Bart Jonas  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dead meat, allegory, death,
Form: Epitaph
Love For Great and Small

Many eons ago, in minds far superior to ours
from a past Man never knew the earth became habitable 
before the savage became Homo-sapiens
visitors had come from unknown worlds scouting earth for...

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Categories: dead meat, love,
Form: Free verse
The Rhone
A UK Royal Mail Ship was RMS Rhone
A sail-steamer and a two-masted brig, she shone

Rhone had an iron hull and was 310 feet long
Her compound steam engine made her fast and quite strong

An innovative ship...

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Categories: dead meat, appreciation, history,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Ennui Sets In
"Ennui Sets In”

Whenever pen is placed
Between purloined phalanges,
When my mind unfolds and tears along the seams,
I know it’s time to move my thoughts,
Through the underground;
That dark crusty void
Of dreary dreams diminished,
Where loose hell raisers floss...

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Categories: dead meat, city, life,
Form: Free verse
Untitled 19
Look closely. What do you see? A white rabbit in snow. 
No? I’m the memory of a bride, wedded to eternity:
an extincting marriage. Draped in a pearl gown.
Laced to the throat. Dressed like some decadent...

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Categories: dead meat, body, lost love, wedding,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium On the Extraordinary
As a regular unleaded gaseous,
(i.e. papa's seminal afterthought)
begat male genetically wrought,
I valued myself as naught
with abilities pegged
at being average,

yours truly sought
to camouflage himself
ducked as if a scared mandrake,
and/or, who oft times
didst cower, and shrink wrought

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Categories: dead meat, 3rd grade, 5th grade, 7th grade, 9th
Form: Bio
Color Coded Music Message
Bad meat
dead meat
thousands sick from this disaster
hungry like a wolf
the stomache worms grow
in the people who still don't know
texas miki of tequilla
many reasons to reconsider health symptoms
sewer leak to smell from down the street
not staying...

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Categories: dead meat, death, faith, forgiveness, funeral, historypeople, people,
Form: Free verse
My Africa
A dusty street, commuters meet
A taxi crowded, a route decided
Street vendors sell, plastic from China
Fresh fruit, dead meat, flies from hell
A cellphone rings, a message pings
Africa, my Africa, I know so well

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© John Birch  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dead meat, africa, earth, people, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unheavenly
Hollow eyes of a skull shrouded by a heavy mist
People suffer condemning others within foul hate
Hateful stares piercing through the back of their skulls soul domain
Raping hearts violently shred inner purity 
Inside deep council weeping...

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Categories: dead meat, absence, dark, deep, emotions, feelings, mirror,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the zodiac of poets with furrowed brows, born from the shadow of the world devouring the moment
In the zodiac of poets with furrowed brows, born from the shadow of the world devouring the moment,
I am tired of narrow verses, of word sculptures without soul and echo.
Poems that whisper, halt - they...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dead meat, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Oblivion Street
Hang a left into Desolation Alley
where the meat-rack girls spin dead on their feet;
take a right onto Cruelty Crescent,
walk a crooked mile on Oblivion Street.
Feast those eyes and gloat your soul
on the life and death...

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© Tony Bush  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dead meat, people, places, sad, social, death, death,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Traffic Jam Slam
Traffic Jam Slam

Who dresses them up and puts them in cars
gives them their keys as they leave the bars
these drivers who sit at the red light and grin
preachers out practicing Sunday’s big sin.
Somehow they think...

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Categories: dead meat, slam,
Form: Free verse
Street Walker
She was only a whore they said
Just a druggie on the game
Most of the papers couldn’t be
Bothered to correctly spell her name.
Just an illegal immigrant tart,
Part of one of those foreign mobs
Over here to claim...

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Categories: dead meat, anger, class, death, political, prejudice, society, women,
Form: Rhyme
Mein Kampf Self Imprisoned Gulag
Mein Kampf...Self Imprisoned Gulag

Onset of conception wrought significant
destructive quantum sized genetic quark
invisible, fissile, and congenital skull,
sans crossbones deathmark

scythe kill logical metastatic
psychic path head shrinking Reichsmark
financial reparation taxed this human bark
at peril of ark

covenant fomenting incruent

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Categories: dead meat, 7th grade, anxiety, creation, death, health, howl,
Form: Bio
Bedding Down With Bigfoot
Hey, I've got me a plan to survive World War Three
And it doesn't involve living deep in the sea
With a mermaid named Maddy from that '80s movie
Or a grey-skinned E.T. hoping to crossbreed with me.


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Categories: dead meat, humanity, humorous, life, mountains, mythology, planet, wife,
Form: Quatrain
The Black Death
The Black Death
It came without warning, it swept through the town
One day you were up, the next day you’re down
It came to the poor, it came to the rich
You might feel the bite, you might...

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Categories: dead meat, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Strength Now Or We Die
Jesus, how many are there now?
Over head the boots hitting the ground
So many men are hunting us down

The storm drain bends to the left further down
Echoes of shouts, foreign orders surround
The bullet went straight through...

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Categories: dead meat, courage, cry, dark, destiny, soldier, strength,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Scroll of An Oracle
Memory or dream from hell I cannot tell
The vision of stygian forests where harpies dwell
And men from them among men spawned
Greedy gullibles that on pagan mysteries fawned
Evicted from stygian caves to wander bared
Of human comport...

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Categories: dead meat, historymen, men,
Form: Verse
My Accident
A while back when I was four,
I found myself wandering out the door.
My sister was with me that very day;
We were having so much fun at play.
Then a car roaring down the streets;
Splat! I was...

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Categories: dead meat, faith, happiness, inspirational, uplifting, me,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs