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Love For Great and Small

LOVE FOR GREAT OR SMALL Many eons ago, in minds far superior to ours from a past Man never knew the earth became habitable before the savage became Homo-sapiens visitors had come from unknown worlds scouting earth for expansion They carefully laid seeds of their DNA and planted green vegetation returning several millennia later to sow their crops the early laborers expressed love in the way they planted their crops upon returning they saw earth had flourished Mourn if you must for our present predicament cry what we have become but our origins were borne out of Love leave no unsavory emotion untouched all emotions have been earned we must savor each emotion before we settle in our graves "Stay brave," the space farmer said with affectation, “Don’t become mindless dead meat enjoy the life you've been given it'll be the only one you'll get, when you find a mate love like you never loved before enough to last a millennia and don't forget kindness, give your fellow humans much kindness" Pundits and wise men have said it since Man could talk there are no tomorrows in death they also said death is temporary, souls are eternal and experience of having lived before is not knowable But care enough for someone at least once and discover why love is so revered in the Universe if you do not, you have lived a lonely, wasted life and misused your life’s purpose and God's great gift of life to you Nothing feels better to a person’s skin in winter when the icy winds blow and snow scurries from nook to cranny than body heat from both bodies cuddled, naked under warm blankets it may bring forth ideas to commit to Love forever Love is in abundance. just look around yet Love is desperately needed but know there is someone for everyone Love comes from the inner depths of one's heart just don’t be so picky, experienced love has no equal Love for all creatures, great and small, is desperately needed everywhere nay demanded by the vast expanse of this dark, cold and unwelcoming Universe the place we call home.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 9/17/2021 5:35:00 AM
“Don’t become dead meat”…them’s words to live by! Between the ancient Native stories of star people and if I remember correctly, the Sumerians listing the planets in our solar system from the farthest out to the closest to the sun, you have something here! Enjoyed this very much. ~Maureen
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Cisneros Avatar
Norberto Franco Cisneros
Date: 12/15/2021 5:04:00 PM
Thank you Maureen, much appreciate your astuteness and liking it, be well.
Date: 9/17/2021 2:40:00 AM
The write-ups is very emphatic and telling us about the vanity of life.
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Norberto Franco Cisneros
Date: 12/15/2021 5:05:00 PM
Thank you Muhammad Abdulhamid kumo.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things