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Long Cruelest Poems

Long Cruelest Poems. Below are the most popular long Cruelest by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Cruelest poems by poem length and keyword.

Fully Employed Now
Humanity keeps looking forward, toward the coming of a birth,
and we’re all deemed as equals on our first day on this earth,
but as the years go quickly by our lives become our own;
we’re seen as...

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Categories: cruelest, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Eldritch Hysterical Annihilation Syndrome
I walk o u t...

I am lost in unapproachable light—a spectral broth
I am tasting the screaming silence—the archetypal observer
dissects my essence-fossil Passion
a seismic rupture between life/death/rebirth
gnaws at my marrow This dilemma-kudzu
coils tight, constricting tomorrow's breath


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Categories: cruelest, halloween, horror, philosophy, psychological,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member A Bohemian Maze of True Evil
Once so loyal and always true the gargoyles watch everything now
During their stony slumbers with their careful one-eyed open view,
As evil red-eyed demons rain down upon us in their dark-sprit forms,
Whilst our unsuspecting mortal Earth...

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Categories: cruelest, dark, evil, fantasy, god, horror, metaphor, symbolism,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Bohemian Maze of True Evil
A Bohemian Maze of True Evil

Once so loyal and always true the gargoyles watch everything now
During their stony slumbers with their careful one-eyed open view,
As evil red-eyed demons rain down upon us in their dark-sprit...

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Categories: cruelest, dark, evil, fantasy, god, horror, metaphor, symbolism,
Form: Narrative
A Bohemian Maze of True Evil
Once so loyal and always true the gargoyles watch everything now
During their stony slumbers with their careful one-eyed open view,
As evil red-eyed demons rain down upon us in their dark-sprit forms, 
Whilst our unsuspecting mortal...

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Categories: cruelest, creation, dark, evil, god, heaven, mother son,
Form: Narrative

Over the Edge
Jack and Sam
were two inseparable souls
Best friends tend to be like that,
especially if both were born on the same day
They were two good looking kids,
who liked to play rough and tumble
Didn't mind scraping their knees...

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Categories: cruelest, best friend, death, horror, sad,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Ancient Shadows Awaken Into God's Light
Ancient Shadows Awaken into God’s Light

Underneath the deep seabed the stirring sands of time have passed on.
Ancient shadows continue to haunt all of us from the oceans’ depths,
And insidious and violent nightmares portray bloody and...

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Categories: cruelest, dark, dream, evil, faith, fantasy, god, symbolism,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Ancient Shadows
Ancient Shadows Awaken into God’s Light

Underneath the deep seabed the stirring sands of time have passed on.
Ancient shadows continue to haunt all of us from the oceans’ depths,
And insidious and violent nightmares portray bloody and...

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Categories: cruelest, dark, dream, evil, fantasy, god, symbolism,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Oft From a Distant Echo, It Is Heard Fifth Poet In My Dedication Series
(1.)  Honoring John Keats
, fifth poet in my dedication series

Oft From A Distant Echo, It Is Heard

At the start comes just a solitary word
oft from a distant echo, it is heard.
Imagination steps on into...

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Categories: cruelest, appreciation, art, beautiful, creation, poetry, poets, writing,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Fate Once Birthed Lovers, Golden True and Dear Third Poet Honored, From My Dedication Series
(2)*Second poem honoring Edgar Allan Poe*

Fate Once Birthed Lovers, Golden True And Dear

We had raced a good race, with wind cool and fair,
There were romantic nights steaming hot for a while,
And golden rays of sunshine...

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Categories: cruelest, appreciation, art, dark, literature, poetry, poets, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Are You There God
The man lay painfully wedged between two large boulders, 
his position an anomaly only the cruelest of fates could bring to a man. 
 In one moment he’d been sure-footed, gingerly climbing  the cliff....

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Categories: cruelest, death, god,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Burning Flesh - the Devil's Own
Things begin turning around and very 
slowly they take a nasty foreboding twist
as Hell's Dragon has not breathed yet 
a deep burning fire melting red his eyes
dripping blood upon fury and destruction
pumping inside the uncontrollable...

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Categories: cruelest, betrayal, dark, evil, fantasy, horror, imagery, imagination,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Achilles, Bloody Battles, Death's Black Hand As Was Fated Part Three, the Conclusion
Achilles, Bloody Battles, Death's Black Hand As Was Fated
Part Three, (the Conclusion)

Dawn, bright rays fell upon Achilles and his band
exiting ship, Greek sandals felt soft Trojan sands
with mighty magnificent Greek pride in courageous hearts
each seeking...

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Categories: cruelest, art, character, dedication, literature, mythology, poetry, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Refining consciousness

Line of inquiry:
instrumentalising mind, I rested thought
employing it only when needed
shifting to heart, I became self-taught
gentling touch, voice of conscience heeded

We are alone – Together

Quietly, feelings flow gently, surrounding
	hope, healing, heavenly potential – weathering
		the births,...

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Categories: cruelest, appreciation, faith, forgiveness, god, gospel, hope, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The tip of the iceberg
I went to see the wounded boy in the hospital bed  
He knew not who had shot him nor why they wished him dead.  
His cousins sat nearby; I asked them for a...

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Categories: cruelest, crazy, evil, family, imagination,
Form: Lyric
Winter - a Hard Place
A damp, dank odour pervades the saturated forest; pungent. acrid;
The stench an assault on the human senses:
Working subtly, slowly permeating every pore until it compromises the very heart of the forest.

Seeping easily between the debris;...

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Categories: cruelest, animal, appreciation, bird, dedication, nature,
Form: Free verse
Here, My Dear
Humble yesterday, your intimate memories are now
bearing false witness, following our demise. 
There are scattered whispers of a residential cloud 
nine, that I called my own after the storm. 
No myth could be written guiltier....

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Categories: cruelest, analogy, break up, growth, heartbroken, loneliness, moving
Form: Free verse
Electric Dreams Mine

     We are two souls that the crossroads 
rigged to meet.
There is nothing artificial about your intelligence, 
your significance, your female caring brilliance.

Like water and earth, "beauty and the beast."

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Categories: cruelest, art,
Form: Other
Boy of Gentleness - Man of Courage - Dedicated On the Passing of My Cousin Johnnie
Dedicated to my dearly loved and departed cousin Johnnie
who passed away peacefully in his sleep. I love you Johnnie. 
I hope that now you will watch over all of us here on Earth as you...

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Categories: cruelest, bereavement, dedication, devotion, eulogy, boy,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Sunrises At Noon
12:30 a.m.: Wednesday 

I spoke in silent awe as I watched the sun breathe its final breath,
creating a beautiful silhouette which sat parallel to me.
She laid her gentle voice upon my ears,
as she sat comfortably...

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Categories: cruelest, love, beautiful, heart, night, beautiful, fear, heart,
Form: Ballad
Slavery and Reparations All Done
I am a descendant of slaves - from India!
Anyone who demands REPARATIONS shake & quake at my words
Competition? So, we have competing tales of bondage?
The Jewish people's perhaps the longest & cruelest,
With smaller...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cruelest, africa, america, analogy, black african american, education,
Form: Bio
Reflection In Depression
A dreamer, words on the page.
Perhaps I am the empty book,
Pages begging to be written on,
A chapter is coming, but here we are,
Change and travel on the way.
Fear of the change is slowly
Replaced by the...

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Categories: cruelest, angst, depression, grief, growing up, hate, life,
Form: Blank verse
An Unfair Ending (Edited For Space Limits)
His face, withered, gaunt
His eyes cloudy, filled with a haunting vacancy
His voice weak , shallow
Seldom spoken these last difficult days

His hair is white and thin
His skin, so delicate and discolored
The strength has left his fragile...

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Categories: cruelest, caregiving, death, father, health, life, loss, peace,
Form: Free verse
When the sun has taken over
and your lips have dried.
When your mind is painfully sober,
and all the hope has died,
be life.

The mind is such a fascinating light,
concealed deep within where nobody, but you can find.

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© Zeki Majed  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cruelest, break up, lost, lost love, love,
Form: Prose
Into Slow Void, I Challenge Time
Cruelest thoughts overwhelm
beyond the patrol
beyond the drowning sunlight
firelight creeping up my back,
grab your camera and attack
a moment that doesn't hear
the glowing blue
I should have kept in a faerie jar

ajar is my mind,
hinges broken, hinges built

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Categories: cruelest, addiction, death, grief,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things