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Long Anthropocentrism Poems

Long Anthropocentrism Poems. Below are the most popular long Anthropocentrism by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Anthropocentrism poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Contract Against Greatness
In Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"
she paints a nationalistically wealthy saint
where also lives a monochromatically utilitarian narcissist,
sucking on attachment to fame and power
for bought and sold ZeroSum accounting Souls.

If the perfectly powerful pure patriarchal patriot
were your...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, culture, health, integrity, mental illness, peace, philosophy,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Social Nondarwinists
We need to talk.

Is this one of those times
where you need to talk
and I must pretend to listen
while you rant?

Well, yes,
if you could extend this favor.

Your topic?

Social Darwinism.

Isn't that the birthplace of unfettered Capitalism
and Fascism

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Categories: anthropocentrism, environment, gospel, health, humor, psychological, social,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member After School Jam Session
How was school today?


Did you learn anything important?

Maybe. I'm not sure yet.

Really? What are you considering?

We talked about Howard Odum's natural trinity
of altruism.

Maybe I skipped that day
way back in premillennial times
before Permaculture Design had taken...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, culture, earth, education, environment, health, humor, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Comedy of Impeaching Errors
The Republican congressmen,
and I do mean white privileged straight men,
came to their Democratic opposition
concerned about how depressing
December can be,
and all of winter,
come to think and feel
of dark discerning Advent,

So maybe we could stage
a comedic debate

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Categories: anthropocentrism, caregiving, earth, health, humor, integrity, political, trust,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Supremely Courted Systemic Feelings
I believe it was Alfred North Whitehead,
an early developer of cognitive systems thinking,
who observed frequent miscommunication
and confusion
and chaos
over bilateral complexities
of Set v isolated Individual issues
within a systemic set
of inter-related issues.

This comes to mind
as I listen...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, culture, earth, education, health, integrity, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Neglecting Democratic Health
I'm feeling some civil
democratic health

To re-member
monocultural anthropocentrism
is a mental health crisis

In our U.S. Win/Lose normative
miseducational systems,

In our anti-democratic
unhealthy parenting,
self caregiving,
uncare-receiving deformative win/lose
devolutionary anti-thesis

to prophecy ReGenerative Earth's unParadise demise,
ecologically degenerative
and theologically rationalized:

Earth isn't Heaven
as Nature isn't...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, caregiving, community, education, health, humanity, integrity, senses,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Interdependent Americans
"I do not see what right any one would have
to object to calling this part 
[the South American mainland], 
after Americus 
who discovered it 
and who is a man of intelligence, 
that is, the...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, earth, health, history, humanity, independence day, mental
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Girlcutt Voices
What sustains life are sacred values,
so what cannot sustain becomes pathological.

Matriarchy is about nurturing and care-giving,
protecting life and conserving cooperative energies;
yet that implies that patriarchy devolves to controlling
and competitive care-receiving,
destroying life as WinLose necessary
to violently...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, abuse, america, gender, health, howl, humor, language,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Philosophy of Integrity
Is also a metaphysics of integral co-relationships,
which would make an even worse title
for drawing you into
our shared land of bicameral consciousness.

Philosophy of scientific method
could also become
Philosophy of Beauty and Humanity,

You never know
this negative bipolarity
could turn...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, community, environment, health, philosophy, political, science, senses,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sinister Shadows
Yin speaks,
murmurs really

Slurpy GoldenShadow
whispering warmly
in my left ear.

In 2011-12
Bill Plotkin wrote

"Sinister Shadow, projected:
Donald, president of the United States,
refers to the Soviet Union
as 'the Evil Empire'...
and actually believes this is true."

True of all 2019 federations,
healthy wealth,

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Categories: anthropocentrism, anti bullying, health, humor, integrity, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earth's Creation Parables
Once upon successive times of
economic and political revolutions
slow-grown bionic ecosystemic balance
suddenly emerged
where form with functional health potential 
had been submerged.

When Earth
was Yang gusting wind
and surging surfing yin waters,
light's emergence each Yang sunrise
was daily revolution news

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Categories: anthropocentrism, allegory, caregiving, creation, earth, health, integrity, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Donald John
Great White Father,

About those anti-BadNewsMedia rallies
while our SouthWest is burning
and while our SouthEast is flooding
and wet windstorm conflagrating,
feeling the flamed-up wrath
of an angry EarthGoddess,

Why do you plant and nurture hate
and anger
against potential WinWin integral communicators?


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Categories: anthropocentrism, betrayal, break up, fire, health, native american,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Investments In Health
Gaia continues running on a Health Platform,
healthy democracy
for wealthy economy
for healthy ecopolitics
for wealthy democratic energy.

The idea of free markets
as those embedded in democratic transactional service
to a local community
Is as old and conservative
as the idea of...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, community, earth, health, nature, political, religious, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Compassionate Allies
How might capitalism
and egocentric competitive allies
of patriarchalism
binary double-standardism

remind us of which competitive communication weapons
develop further violently aggressive apartheid?

And which regenerate gratitude
for cooperative
co-passionate communication tools,
both verbal and non-verbal,
for growing multiculturally resilient social capital?

contextual rightbrain intuitively felt

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Categories: anthropocentrism, appreciation, earth, health, integrity, light, passion, power,
Form: Political Verse
Anthropocentrism Wreck Less Track Record
while atop the surface of planet Earth humanity
     all abustle skittering
     to and fro, hither and yon
engaged in self important activity yielding profits,


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Categories: anthropocentrism, 5th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, abuse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unnatural Climates
Speaking of climate health
and multicultural wealth,...

Yes. You have a question?...

Were you here for our previous session?...

No, I mean our most recent dialogue,
published just before this one....

Well, we were speaking of,
while deep listening to,
natural health systems

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Categories: anthropocentrism, earth, environment, health, nature, peace, planet, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member To Solidarity
Do we still belong together,
long to compassion with each other
more than against?

Do we still believe
Earth is more of a regeneratively developing memory
than a degeneratively unraveling lack of cherished experience?

Can we still distinguish between
organic becoming
and autonomous...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, community, creation, earth, games, health, integrity, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Big Tent Elephant
Once upon eternal time,
all philosophers
and theologians
and ecologists,
published and unpublished,
credentialed and indigenous,
elders and children
and all ages in-between,
alive and dead
and all health indicators in-between,
got together
to sort out our competitive win/lose mess
of competing theories
about just what is this...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, health, humanity, humor, integrity, political, power, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Seminal Enlightenment
When I was in an interfaith seminary
I noticed three models
for understanding a faith community's purpose
in a democratic and diverse society.

1. Conservation of SelfRighteous Anger

To compete with,
and thereby degenerate the powers of,
sin and evil and ignorance

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Categories: anthropocentrism, community, faith, health, political, power, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Peace For Parenting
So what sane parent
would intentionally lead their family 
into internal
or external war,

Well, apparently former political
and religious extremists,
Islamic fundamentalists,
Christian fundamentalists...

Oh, wait,
I'm not sure their Republican White Nationalist 
AntiDemocratic First Amendment,
kleptocratic and oligarchical Second Amendment
LeftBrain rabidly ballistic...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, america, christian, earth, health, islamic, peace, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member It Feels Unfair
It feels unfair,
the doctor said,
to blame all pathological -isms
on LeftBrain dominating
NorthWestern enculturation;

Too geopolitically ecological,
too globally sweeping,
where my reason looks
for biological neurology,
more inside linguistic powers
more intimate.

But, both neurology and ecology,
both natural biology and spiritual theology,
these four...

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Categories: anthropocentrism, community, earth, health, integrity, light, power, universe,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Narcissists Anonymous
I might feel grand
aspiring to omnipotent

Whereupon omnipresence
might feel less necessary,
or even possible,
or desirable

In a secularized
dissociated apartheid,
sacred Us v sinful Them

An omnipotently inflammatory place
for every Other individual thing
and all Other routine 
and orthodox Things,

Omnipresent capital events

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Categories: anthropocentrism, god, health, love, passion, political, power, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Privileged Cultures Afterthought
It feels fascinating
that horny voracious passions
dissipate in the presence of ego-centered fear
of pain and suffering
and ego-defeating loss,
disability and predative performance anxieties,
short-term through permanent
degenerating energy,
absence of active hope
for future holistic integrity.

In this time of climate degeneration

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Categories: anthropocentrism, health, integrity, peace, power, psychological, senses, sensual,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry