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Sinister Shadows

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Quote from Bill Plotkin's "Wild Mind" p. 208, published in 2013, when Donald was still a glint in our UnReal Political Apprentice eye.

Yin speaks, murmurs really Slurpy GoldenShadow whispering warmly wetly hypnotically fascinatingly in my left ear. Notice: In 2011-12 Bill Plotkin wrote "Sinister Shadow, projected: Donald, president of the United States, refers to the Soviet Union as 'the Evil Empire'... and actually believes this is true." True of all 2019 federations, integrities, synergy, healthy wealth, cooperative more than competitive incorporations he cannot LeftBrain-RightWing win control over their humiliating losses by narcissistically bullying his own integral sacred RightBrain co-operative economy hosting empowering holistic co-ownership, LeftBrain tasty ego-satisfying research licks while listening to RightBrain warm wet echo-whispers. What President Donald fails to first and last term notice, RightBrain feels EgoSubjects need Evil Empire bullying experience to know other Evil EmpireObjectives when they LeftBrain see them and intuitively Lose/Lose feel them Right in-between green cooperative health potentialities Whispering integrity's promise despite sinister non-golden ruling shadows projecting out to Eastern ancient bodhisattvas and back to future Western Win/Lose dominance projecting messianic capitalistic anthropocentrism RightWing deforesting Earth again. GoldenShadow rules against kleptocratic bad economic behaviors divesting of emerging non-violently communicating global WinWin counter-enculturing cooperative manners, Namaste integrity Left with Right Ego secular dominance with EcoSacred prominence, Golden Rules whispered out of my left ear to avoid ringingly offensive behavior WinLeft/LoseRight trending toward RedLose/GreenLose Ego/Eco dis-integrity double-binds, degeneration where regenerative politics was Earth's original warm wet whisper floating between overshadowing winds greeting undershadowing waters Which, for this ZeroZone Zen-Taoist, speaks through YangLeft/RightYin nondual bilaterally integral listening for warm, wet wombed Golden Yang/Yin co-operating Shadows co-passioning Ego/Eco health-systemic private and public identity and solidarity win wins So, Cooperatively owned and managed healthy HolyParadise is my non-sectarian non-partisan non-violent communication game of mental/spiritual-health optimization, best played just the Golden opposite of Sinister Donald's bully threats and violently mono-kleptocratic most cynical threatening promises of further Lose/Lose bad health and climate un-care-- redSinister fear-mongering v greenGolden co-passionate planting and harvesting. Which is about as anti-Christian and anti-re-ligion and anti-integrity and anti-healthy/wealthy families, anti-domestic through extended RightBrain holonic gestalts emerging healthy LeftBrain-RightMind bodies experiencing wealthy RightBrain polypathic health as any and every one EgoIdentity's optimal green/red potlatch regenerative wealth Could possibly NotHealth/NotWealth West/East climate pathology project beyond a whisper in 2019 heading for 2020 ReVolutioning Re-Ligious HealthService Integrity non-sectarian non-partisan non-violent GoldenRule globally cooperative.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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