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Logically Poems - Poems about Logically

Logically Poems - Examples of all types of poems about logically to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for logically.
I love you, I hate you
...I love you, I hate you, I want to help you, but at this point you deserve the pain. Not because you’re a bad person, but because you are putting it on yourself by now. I will never leave. I ......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, 10th grade, anger, friendship
Form: Free verse
Facilities that claim they recycle spew nothing but rubbish
...Facilities that claim they recycle spew nothing but rubbish as does yours truly, whose ecological ethos goes out the window into the cold freezing iceland prompting the following balderdash. ......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, abuse, adventure, anger, betrayal,
Form: Free verse

Two puzzle pieces
...I've observed many relationships, And some things only change with time, She likes to give handmade gifts, while he searches the whole market for that perfect gift. She gets anxious if he doesn't ......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, boyfriend, cute, feelings, first
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Non-duality
...This is an old poem written sometime in 2018 or so ~ On first glance We ... Meaning our consciousness In its unconscious form Knows only duality Separateness Ego This knowing Of dualit......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
This is what you're about to read
...Of course it's being judged, why expect anything less. Comes down to discernment between comfort and distress. Biases are natural, otherwise we'd all be dead. So logically you'll instantly judge e......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, judgement,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I AM 6-
...I am 6 Formulated/Factual Form 0+1+2+1+1+9+5+5=24(2+4) = 6 Strengths: “, I am 6, we who are sixes like to comfort others,” denoted. , I am 6 , “I like to we uplift, share, and giv......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, addiction, allegory, analogy, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Whats Your Lesson
...We leave our country in search of a new life but we end up paying a painful sacrifice, I can live with it, if it has future benefit, but I don’t intend to go through it for the rest of my life. I ......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, boat, body, care, child,
Form: Narrative
Hit by a train
...,,Would you rescue someone who would get hit by a train?" ,,yes" ,,then you are just overly stupid." ,,And why?" ,,because you would get hit too" ,,And?" ,,What And? Are you crazy? It doesn't m......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
Golden opportunity
...The consistency of mystery Drenched in it's simplicity Wrought with what would seem to be To our participants complacency For a golden opportunity A trick our minds eye think they see If not......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, mystery,
Form: Monorhyme
Fraught as an extremely socially anxious younger person
...Fraught as an extremely socially anxious younger person... hashtagged introvertedness trademark silently exorcised, ostracized, and vilified Impossible mission to resuscitate... a forsaken prom......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, 7th grade, abuse, anger,
Form: Rhyme
Bittersweet pyrrhic victory
...Bittersweet pyrrhic victory... if a 2024 November presidential Biden win pandemonium likely to occur, subsequently figurative tectonic upheaval might set United States in a tailspin. Thou......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, 12th grade, abuse, america,
Form: Free verse
... I opened a door in the Universe and found myself in the gallery of public opinion. A serious debate was taking place over Freedoms and God given rights. On one side several thousand pe......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, america, atheist, crazy, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Critterature: Of Mice and Moose
...If the plural of mouse is mice, And more than one louse is lice, Then it seems to me, that logically, The plural of grouse should be grice. A single goose duplicates into geese, A mongoose produ......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, animal, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Our Favorite Toys
...We, children love to build lego blocks Our knacks never run out of stocks; We can make miniature city, People, animals, houses, flowers And a lot more! So colorful and pretty! Legos ar......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, childhood,
Form: Rhyme
...I sometimes worry that a daydream… Can become something sinister. Even a simple, quiet laugh… At some thought in my head is scary to me. Because here I am, alone in this room, And I’m ......Read the rest...
Categories: logically, anxiety,
Form: Free verse

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