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Liverpool Poems - Poems about Liverpool

Liverpool Poems - Examples of all types of poems about liverpool to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for liverpool.
The Day I Kicked The World
I kicked the world lay at my feet the wrong way down a one way street I kicked and kicked and didn’t stop until I reached the paper shop and thought my journey was complete. Between the headlines of defeat Liverpool's...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, 10th grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rondeau
Goodnight Liverpool God Bless Sweet Dreams
Oh chestnut candy horse mane Do your top button up blow the red rum fluff away and jump the brook As I find it in the quiet best in-between when the traffic stops at red lights To detect the...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, fantasy, imagination, slam,
Form: Free verse

Liverpool World Heritage Unsite
Does World Heritage status stand for undeveloped wasted land?...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, silly,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Lori Liverpool
Looney Lula Loves Larry Larson Lutilda Linkerwink Loves Larry Larson Larry Larson Loves Lucinda Lavelachek Lucinda Lavelachek Loves Luther Long Luther Long Loves Lori Liverpool Lorie Liverpool Loves Lorie Liverpool Alexis Y. 10/20/2020...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, fun, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Touring a Grave Situation
Friends come gather around There is a young soul that must be found Travelling the air Complaining life wasn’t fair Trying not to scare Being daunting In his haunting Only a few months old Buried...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, baby, beach, cry, england,
Form: Rhyme

Life In Liverpool
Born into the city I love to call home Feelings of uncertainty sometimes alone Staring to the sky looking for a bright star Life passing you by near or far Life in the city has not always been ideal Use...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, places,
Form: Rhyme
Liverpool Beat Poem
Oh second hand counting time upon the liver building gothic clock Waving goodwill to her dearly departed 3 sister's Starring gainly upon lady mersey set a blitz Climbing up her red bricks Of the old abandoned mill's And lighting up her...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, slam,
Form: Free verse
The Tale of the Liverpool Blitz
The Tale of the Liverpool Blitz Mill Road Hospital took a Direct Hit On the Maternity Ward indiscriminately killing Pregnant Women and new-born children Reduced the City , Docks and Quarter's to smouldering ashes Blew the Malachant into...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, world war ii,
Form: Free verse
Liverpool When night ends, the fog begins Heavy as lead! Shrouding the town: Once grand And home of grandeur. The grand mansions of old times! Now in ruins: off white! Harboring the ghosts of The grandeur! Who would have lived in a house Like this? My...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, allegory, appreciation, assonance, city,
Form: Free verse
Misfits In Liverpool
A misfit in Liverpool I think of oranges saw a painting by Constable of a morning sun that looked like blood orange dripping nectar down on some fishermen trying to catch eels on the dark...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, best friend, betrayal, judgement,
Form: Prose Poetry
Liverpool a Day In the Life of the 96
A day in the life of the 96 I heard the news today, Oh lord About 96 humming birds Breathing in the miracle heard And though the news was rather sad I had to laugh A crowd of people stood and...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, loss, people, day, life,
Form: Free verse
Liverpool Poetrysoup
Soup and scouse Permeate a house Odors causing wet teeth. The ingredients in these mixtures are not all sweet. Some are quite bitter, even sour, on their own. They do however improve the mix to no end. I've had added...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, food
Form: Imagism
The Leaving of Liverpool
THE LEAVING OF LIVERPOOL Giant ferry berthed in Mersey River : Tugs take the strain with a shiver, Ropes creak and we cast off - She timorously inches...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, seariver,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Transition In Liverpool
Since John and Paul first met in high school, we have had decent success playing in Liverpool. There was some tragedy we went through. The worst was the passing of our dear friend, Stu. However, our music is still...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, history, musicsound, sound,
Form: Rhyme
The first smell of rain hitting city walls Before slipping down into guttery streams Heavy drops splattering layers of ashes and dirt Causing clouds to clot in noses of newly wet children Wet soot snots that run so black...Read the rest...
Categories: liverpool, history, nature, places, social,
Form: I do not know?, I do not know?

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