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Goodnight Liverpool God Bless Sweet Dreams

Oh chestnut candy horse mane Do your top button up blow the red rum fluff away and jump the brook As I find it in the quiet best in-between when the traffic stops at red lights To detect the frequency of the waves pitching and cresting from the blades and turbine of the wind farm way up high on the hilltop The nurses footsteps walking the ward beat beside the Doctor calling official time of death An unfurled rainbow green , red , blue and orange flag coat of arm's celebrating intertwined Look Mr Fantastic ferrell Fox is swaggering up and through the part residential city center back alleys preening his whisker tips Listen how a distant echo of a siren can be heard and a blue flashing light seen as 1 of the 3 critical emergency services hastily speed to a horror scene only for the brave See under moonlight how menacing shadows of rats the size of bunny cat's scale the walls to make the gothic bird's above a building rooftop scowl the night away Look a man with his hand out hailing a taxi cab saying to the driver take me home quickly I'm back at work at 5am not doubt with a massive hangover in check Listen to the drunken homeless man arguing with himself whilst playing rock , paper , scissors over who gets to suck the bone or the cardboard in order to sleep warm Goodnight Liverpool Sweet Dreams God Bless It's way past my bedtime I'll see you in the morning When the day shifts story a new begins

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 12/11/2021 1:21:00 AM
A fascinating write Christopher You've captured the essence of Liverpool here: (but for the direct references it could be any city) My own interpretation is that you've described brilliantly the 'what goes on at night', the 'seediness', the 'behind closed doors' and the idea that life doesn't stop. I like the personification of the Liver Bird and your first line in particular intrigues me: The image of the Blacklers' Rocking Horse comes to mind before the RedRum / GNational reference. Cheers - Gary
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 12/13/2021 3:22:00 PM
Cheers Gary Ta for reading Sir much obliged and appreciated thanks. I also like the very line you pointed out about the Liver Bird's. If nothing else and even if I do say so myself , I definitely think it is 1 of my best or better one's that and Blackler's Rocking Horse a close 2nd pipped at the line by a nose
Date: 12/10/2021 3:35:00 PM
Ah, you seem to take in so much in one day dear poet no wonder you have so much to say, great poetry Chris
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Christopher Flaherty
Date: 12/10/2021 3:53:00 PM
Cheer's Rose Thanks very much indeed For taking the time to read and comment
Date: 12/10/2021 12:09:00 PM
You’ve captured a moment on any given night in your city Christopher, a montage poem put together quite deftly and creatively, once we close our hall doors at night the city takes on a very life of its own, excellent penning and use of the English language, cheers David
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Christopher Flaherty
Date: 12/10/2021 12:15:00 PM
Thanking you David Ever so glad you took your time out to both read and comment. Cheer's Sir
Date: 12/10/2021 9:36:00 AM
Interesting. I felt like I was there seeing and feeling your observations. Well written :)
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Christopher Flaherty
Date: 12/10/2021 12:13:00 PM
Thank you Heidi very much cheers

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