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Little Lord Fauntleroy Poems - Poems about Little Lord Fauntleroy

Little Lord Fauntleroy Poems - Examples of all types of poems about little lord fauntleroy to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for little lord fauntleroy.

Roman a Clef Tragicomedy
...Roman à clef tragicomedy... overlaid with façade of fiction = Mein Kampf in summer re: typed out during winter of my discontent, when yours truly no spring chicken stirred ruse to expatiate po......Read the rest...
Categories: little lord fauntleroy, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Impossible Mission To Identify Mine Heretically Rooted Hair Issue
...E'er since being a little extremely shy (viz introverted) boy a boot deux and half score years ago bullies threatened de facto scapegoat mine self esteem they did thoroughly destroy e'en little ......Read the rest...
Categories: little lord fauntleroy, age, anger, anxiety, bereavement,
Form: Free verse

Roman a Clef Tragicomedy
...Roman à clef tragicomedy... overlaid with façade of fiction = Mein Kampf No need for yours truly to dig deep, (albeit bonafide figuratively) by Dickens thru mine Uriah Heep, a gnarled mass cre......Read the rest...
Categories: little lord fauntleroy, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Memories of Jim
...Little Lord Fauntleroy left to devise His future uncertain a past once despised Little Lord Fauntleroy his choice lies within To do unto others or do unto him Little Lord Faun......Read the rest...
Categories: little lord fauntleroy, leaving,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ennui Sets In
..."Ennui Sets In” Whenever pen is placed Between purloined phalanges, When my mind unfolds and tears along the seams, I know it’s time to move my thoughts, Through the underground; That dark cr......Read the rest...
Categories: little lord fauntleroy, city, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Close My Eyes and Dance Away
...Give me all of my private time I will succumb without a fight And later be your every whim First those few seconds of respite Before once more I crawl through slime Notice how once my gown was ......Read the rest...
Categories: little lord fauntleroy, abuse, courage, dance, freedom,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry