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Liquor Poems - Poems about Liquor

Liquor Poems - Examples of all types of poems about liquor to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for liquor.
More habit forming than any drug or liquor
More habit forming than any drug or liquor I considered myself sophisticated and wise, but the addictive power of texting and subsequently sexting took me by surprise, and impossible mission to neutralize despite experiencing scraping rock bottom as emotional lows courtesy accusations from...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
liquor and run
Take a shot from me maybe rum maybe whiskey one sip two bites and a large swag hungry dinner night a quick sip and spinning ryming words that never were laughing at sins all for a date the calender strikes again would...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, celebration, cheer up, joy,
Form: Rhyme

Just one more beer
Time passes slowly when the mind is clear But when the mind gets muddled, like mint in a jar, There never seems enough liquor by far And you tell yourself just one more beer To...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, addiction, dark, drink, introspection,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Writing Poems About Stolen Liquor
A small vial, I’ve nicked it, A bottle of tequila, Aren’t I a delinquent, My heart is racing Against my mind, What a craze To be foolish and hungry, Must be clever, even more cunning, I’ll Regret this forever? Never know ‘till I try… Can’t forget the...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, addiction, betrayal, confusion, wine,
Form: Free verse
I Love the Liquor More
I Love the Liquor More My decor, is empty walls, a tv, and one reclining chair The front doors, like a gate to hell, where mem’ries, lie heavy in…the air Each window leaks a breath of hope, but...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, abuse, addiction, conflict, deep,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Blue-Tail Fly
Jimmy crack corn I’ve been told. Why would Jimmy crack his corn? It gives kick to liquor bold, makes you wonder why you’re born. Yet, that mean ol’ blue-tail fly makes you want to stay inside. Its bite’s so bad, makes...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, blue, death, insect, love
Form: Rhyme
A Drink of Liquor In the Rain
Vodka or Scotch, what can I down in the lounge with the rain singing outside? The cool feeling isn't in just the drink. The cool air and the cold ambience, is adding a good touch. There is...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, peace, rain,
Form: Light Verse
They Met At Micky's Liquor Store
It was kind of late, the town had gone to sleep while some had woke up real early. Nothing bustled, nothing moved quickly, the moon had faded into a dark graveyard. Micky's was open, blue and yellow neon fizzed static in the...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, poetry,
Form: Free verse
The Springs of Ceres Jewels of the Belt
Berenices and Arcturus We're inspired.Hydra spoke new words that tickled there fancy. Creation recreates , creation The sources of which is Sourced. We are the materials with origins Sourced by our own meeting, gathered truths seeding like sourced stones. The things we know and...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, art, beauty, business, color,
Form: Crystalline
Premium Member Hot Flash
Feverish red hot Cool as ice liquor shots Turn on air my gosh!...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, cool,
Form: Haiku
Delicious Liquor of Poetry
The liquor of poetry is sweet... Donates taste to life, moves the ideas, sweetens the mind... Kiss us ardently, offer us love, exults our existence... Savour it, with constancy...! It benefits the soul... !...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, allegory, allusion, analogy, drink,
Form: Light Verse
Glass of Life
For total optimism, Fill the glass up to the brim, With bourbon, vodka and gin, This is a glass of life, Liquor causes too much strife, Need to look through spiritual eyes, Alcohol I do despise!...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, allusion, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Too Much Liquor
I will take a goblet of that and two shot glasses of that, sure why not? My eyes will cross twice and fire will come out of my eyes, but it is okay. I am ready...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, grandson,
Form: Free verse
Foggy never ends over the smallest room Shape of microphone lay in the brown table Waitress busted on and took imperial bottle Commonly appeared in a metrosexual nimble Unwrap whiskey, notice slicing jumbles Used up with joys who teased...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, drug, hurt,
Form: Free verse
Liquor Up Front Poker In the Rear
There once was a fellow like me Designed to make love happily But there was a vicar Who said, "You can't liquor Until you can grow a goatee!"...Read the rest...
Categories: liquor, word play,
Form: Limerick

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