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Lilies Poems - Poems about Lilies

Lilies Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lilies to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lilies.
Premium Member SWAN
I am the swan with a broken wing — Not knowing where my old flock has gone. I drift now amidst embracing lilies, who Have long and dearly kept ...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, angel, bird, flower, imagery,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Lilies of the Field
Behold the brave ten thousand men When called to war they rushed right in Leaving both hearth and home behind Unaware of what they might find In fertile fields their foes had nested Strong as steel and battle tested Eyes afire...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, war,
Form: Rhyme

Exquisite Darts
Cleverness in chaos. Twisted mischief threads beneath razor intellect. Urban antiquity, out of place, sherry to eyelash to eye. Her cigarettes go better with beer wisdom and starry sky humidity. Grand Dame, ferocious girl. Lead me up a garden path that stings until 5am on barren...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, dedication, desire, friend, girl,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Lilies and Glenda's Hair
Lilies and Glenda’s hair "Haiku" By Angerry Feliciano The breeze from the east Make the lilies of valley Wave like Glenda’s hair ...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, beautiful, beauty, imagery, nostalgia,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member My Borders are Made of Lilies
My borders are made of lilies. They are a pleasant reminder where caution begins and conflicts end. To those who know me, my borders are made with forgiveness, a kind and patient floral display. To those who try...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, death, love,
Form: Free verse

RUNNING RACES CRACKING CODES No disgruntled dissonance between dimensions sliding down sigils galaxies of glories listening to lilies lyricing to Lilith flow of filaments consenting to classify eyes like echoes running races cracking codes so that Source can claim His-Her crystals into 5D...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, 12th grade, change, courage,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Consider the Lilies
Consider how the lilies grow, they do not toil, nor do they sew yet still the beauty of their bloom dwarfs that of cloth from any loom. The perfection their petals show belies the muck in which they grow. They shine...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, bible, flower, god, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
garden day lilies perch for yellow butterflies hungry mantis meal...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, butterfly,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Stargazer Lilies
In a glass vase, the lilies' buds gently unfold, With pallid pink shades, a sight to behold. Their perfume fills up the entire space, Refreshing the air in my quiet place. I take deep breaths to experience the treasure, Can’t...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, beauty, flower, nature, summer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pink Lilies
The pink lilies cluster together as if they were in a hug tall and gallant posed they are breathtaking beautiful with a friendly yellow stigma and rusty red filament lively colors that brighten the day with a sweet...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, flower,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Here Come April Showers
Here come April showers. Here come the last snow flurries. The trees are jolly and rejuvenating, Since the weather is now cool, spring Is here. Yes, the lilies are blooming. Here come the fledgling flowers. The parks have extended their hours. The...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, beauty, giggle, growth, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Let The Lilies And The Roses Flourish
For crying out loud, the flowers are gorgeous, Fresh, happy, young, alive, and vivacious. Regrettably, we, humans, cut their lives short, From time to time, from events to events. For God’s sake, let the flowers live like the monuments, Let...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, autumn, beautiful, celebration, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Song of The Water Lilies and Lotus Blossoms No 15: AABB
And in parts of the world for medicals, revive their bestilled passions. Magic holds practiced heart of effervescent spectrum, aquatic lilies peals, summons one home. Aqueous lotus blossom, promenade scopes, Victorian vintage masquerade. Lotus glow's vibrance, chamber harmony, lilies show congruous flows...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, allusion, analogy, appreciation, beauty,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Lilies Of Lucent Light
Lilies of lucent light, single file walking along the cloudless pathway of the songbirds' garden kingdom. How fair the child lilies, a gathering of the guiltless, in snow-white First Holy Communion dresses with lacy veils. Seven year old springtime girls with pearly rosaries, betrothed to the...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Free verse
Bouquet of bumpy lilies
I dwell where ...Read the rest...
Categories: lilies, autumn, daffodils, flower, inspirational,
Form: Blank verse

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