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Lessee Poems - Poems about Lessee

Premium Member God Owns Tomorrow
... God Owns Tomorrow Miracle Man 4/18/2024 God holds the deed to my tomorrow, and I’m a lessee once it’s today. Each day, this time, He lets me borrow, but once its past its gone to st......Read the rest...
Categories: lessee, god, time, today,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Leaser and Lessee
...You're bound, there isn't argument, says the landlord, Who bound me? Why? Entwined with what logistic cord? Your father borrowed; you must pay; this is the law, Does law say, for father's debt, hi......Read the rest...
Categories: lessee, giving, life, recovery from,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Real Deal Not Heel
...As the drop of saline slowly rolls The ragged_ irregular exposed As the mighty river flows from holes My heart_ spring flood; since of me disposed A flood so strong that the levee is broken A ......Read the rest...
Categories: lessee, lost loveheart, heart, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Politically Correct Love Poem In a Litigious Society
...Come live with me and be my love, Lover status is open to all sexual persuasions in accordance with the liberties extended to the Gay, Lesbian and Bi-sexual league. Living together as my love w......Read the rest...
Categories: lessee, parodylove, may,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things