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Latching Poems - Poems about Latching

Premium Member Poetic Practice
...The poet is a physician of sorts tending care to the physical of his craft -- His patients, the hearts and souls of humanity -- Latching belts on sleds of words a-summit he descends, precariou......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, creation, inspirational, language, poetry,
Form: Free verse
a quest to find myself again
...The days were brighter then, When without the slightest effort, I’d succeed in making a good impression. Now it seems no one knows me to be “good”, How will they? I’ve hardly provided any proof I......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, anxiety, depression, desire, education,
Form: Free verse

Isis staind 27 plus years
...Isis staind 27+ years... of scorpion stinging poison us marriage, whereby the missus and I, nevertheless experienced genesis as mama and papa respectively. (jest kibitizing) thus explain......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, adventure, angst, anniversary, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Forest Worms
...See them crawling out of the mound walking in a straight line, one set is going to East, the other to the West, carrying little particles of food in their mouth and moving with rapid speed. The......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, animal, courage, emotions, environment,
Form: Narrative
...This reputation of unwanted feelings appearing up at the wrong moments has become predictable. My mind, body and soul have become depleted and there’s nowhere left to go. I’ve been trying to ......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, deep, depression, mental health,
Form: Free verse

...A colourful array of falsehoods Intricately designed disguises Fools, fortunes, phantoms Masks clinging on their faces Lives hidden away by an illusory veils Veils that cannot be removed Cann......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, extended metaphor, freedom, imagery,
Form: Free verse
...Sometimes the words cannot outweigh the anchor latching my lips together. Sometimes my eyes go stark, and they begin to peel over. Sometimes my shoulders sink into my spine. Sometimes I’m so......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, deep, depression, emotions, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Isis Staind 26 Plus Years of Marriage
...Isis staind 26+ years of marriage Yes, believe me you, I (also considered the best karaoke singer for the go-go's) putting Shabrina Leonita to shame back in two thousand and twenty one once......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, adventure, age, america, anniversary,
Form: Rhyme
Don'T Be Upset, Mommy
...Mommy, don't be upset When they say how you should stand, sit and eat While I munch on your blood and meat. Just don't be upset When they advise you on when I should be fed. You alone know wh......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, birth, judgement, mother,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Salute To Jeff Kyser
...Someone gave Jeff Kyser a subscription Writer’s Digest seized his imagination, It was almost like an editor’s prescription For developing Jeff’s fine poetry articulation He quickly di......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, appreciation, poems, poetry, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Celestial Consort
...Once when we were around the sun setting and the air getting thicker she withers like a flower with countless jokes dedication sorrow continues where no one appears there is a wave of pa......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, appreciation, beauty, emotions, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Playing the Victim
...I feel deep sadness for the sullen and morose, For their lives are wallowing in dissatisfaction Unable to experience “The Lightness of Being,” Aligning themselves with a disgruntled fa......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, anti bullying, people, spoken
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Recovering Addict
..."Powerful addictions sink their long, hooked talons into the afflicted, latching on" - quote by poet Life is hard for Rod, an addict Living with chronic p......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, addiction, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Island Hut the far fringe of a woody island with a river slithering along in gentle leaps and a mud road stretching behind there is a solitary hut visible through the patches of light and shadow with ......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, beauty, blessing, happiness,
Form: Free verse
Bad Pennies
...Writing is a messy feast where crumbs fall to the floor to aggregate and congregate to hide and form and spore Left alone and thrown away these remnants take new life invading what you fear t......Read the rest...
Categories: latching, writing,
Form: Rhyme

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