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Kris Poems - Poems about Kris

Kris Poems - Examples of all types of poems about kris to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for kris.

Premium Member Kris Kringle Eight
They made rolling stone. Faces on the cover page. Straight from the north pole. Its, the Kris Kringle Eight. Dash keeps the books and don't make mistakes. Dancer and Prancer sing backup first rate. Vix is the mixer and sets...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Remembering Kris
I watch the Sunday morning sun gently hit the sidewalk And the gentle rays slowly enter my room, Another day for me of loneliness, Another day of gloom. But the Good Lord knows I’ve learned...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, bereavement, farewell,
Form: Rhyme

To Kris With Love
To Kris I shall not count the nights when woes break down my door Preying brutally on the affliction that corrupts my soul I shall not count the tears that have dared to break my courage Only the moments...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, devotion, family, loss, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Landsbyen -Into the North- An Epic Poem 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Into the dark he stepped, the frozen flakes falling 'round him The last vestige of humanity, now, lost in the storm's wailing din The only light to guide him, the glow of the snow, soft and dim All...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, christmas, fairy,
Form: Epic
Premium Member The Shadow of You
Happy birthday Kris For the Good Times that I’ve known The hungry years were lean to me Yet you made me feel at home Searching in the darkness For the truth to set me free Lost somewhere in forever Your spirit, still...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, appreciation, dedication, hero,
Form: Rhyme

Kris Radhakrishnan - My Favourite Poet
Kris Radhakrishnan is my favourite poet Any topic, any form he can pen a beautiful poem He writes serious poems that leave a message behind Also funny ones that make you laugh aloud Some of his...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Kris Kringle Kisses Kalliope
"Kris Kringle Kisses Kalliope" A Dream: the 4th Christmas. deck the halls with memories poets whisper pasts that are ne’er forgotten where presents a life that’s neatly wrapped and attempts at frostily forgotten tucked under that big beautiful green fir tree where all the...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, christmas, dark, light,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Kris Kringle and Jesus Too
Kris Kringle Rudolph too Bells jingle Jesus’ birth Blood so blue Wise men earth Christmas joy God bless you Come here boy Written 12-18-2019 Contest: Have a Merry 3 Cubed Christmas Contest Sponsored by: Andrea Dietrich...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, christmas, jesus, joy,
Form: Rhyme
Ride of Kris Kringle
The sleigh is brimming Reindeer well-rested and fed Bells ringing... Away!...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, christmas,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Chimney That Kris Missed
The kids were all ready for Christmas While under the tree sat their wish lists-- Heard a big rumble From a big tumble-- Seems it was the chimney that Kris...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, christmas, drink, ocean, silly,
Form: Limerick
Christian and Kris ----Rewritten----
I consider Christian a good friend to me He stands tall, as a mighty oak tree Who could imagine or want to see An oak fall so devastatingly When she was taken so savagely Kris He ranted, he raved so angrily He...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, death, friend,
Form: I do not know?
Christian and Kris
Christian is a friend of mine He stands tall, as a big oak tree Who could imagine a tree falling So devastatingly... as when he got the news of the passing of Kris He ranted and he raved at me He...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, death,
Form: Rhyme
Kris Kringle
If there is one thing To make the senses tingle It’s the coming of The good Kris Kringle On Christmas Eve We wait and pray For good Kris Kringle To come our way...Read the rest...
Categories: kris, holiday
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things