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Kitty Cat Poems - Poems about Kitty Cat

Kitty Cat Poems - Examples of all types of poems about kitty cat to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for kitty cat.
Premium Member - I'm Not A Kitty Cat -
Categories: kitty cat, conflict,
Form: Verse
Premium Member rolly poly foley kitty cat
Rolly poly foley kitty cat Ate a sandwich with a fried-up rat Coughed up a bit on my welcome mat Because he did not want to get totally fat...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme

Premium Member brave kitty cat
adventuresome kitty cat materializes at other edge of my driveway brave to venture in this dog-infested yard mostly white with caramel face and tail she stops and stares startled I am there because I am silent I make no moves the pony dogs...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, cat,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Barnabas Dracula Kitty
Barnabas Dracula Kitty Barnabas darts deep in my closet each dawn I go feed him at sunset but poof he’s gone On Halloween night I spot Barny in flight His sharp fangs and black cape greeting kids on the lawn ...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, animal, cat, cute, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Kitty Cat Cake is Too Pretty to Eat
For her eighth birthday she received a gorgeous kitty cat cake We cannot eat this one! She said to the baker, named Ned. But that is the reason I came over at five o’clock to bake! It is...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, food,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Kitty Cat Love
I love my cat. She is sweet, and has become friend, because I have lost all I love. We snuggle a lot, we kiss, and play and watch TV. Always waiting for me to get home and kitty helps me each...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, cat, love, poetry,
Form: Fibonacci
Premium Member kitty cat Christmas Tree
Mewing and meowing commenced right away The second they built a kitty cat Christmas tree that day Yawning and sleeping happened in every kitty slot. Some of them fell off their risers, it happened a lot....Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, cat,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Watching My Kitty Cat
I watch my kitty playing every day, she insists on it as she is quite spoiled: true, I am the reason she is this way, you see she came at five years quite unspoiled; unable to play- ...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, cat, silly,
Form: Quintain (English)
Premium Member Kitty Cat Poop
My kitty needs the biggest litter box, because this sweet kitty poops like an ox; she kicks the litter around, but, never covers the mound ... Meows- left you a gift in my inbox !...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, cat,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Fat Kitty Cat
There's a kitty cat sweet but quite fat. when she lays on her tummy quite flat; she looks like a stuffed cat toy, that anyone could enjoy . . . But, careful- she's been trained in combat ! ___________________________ February...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, fun,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Tucking Kitty Cat In
Mama Cat tucked her kitten in with as much love as she could. Knowing the next day, kitty would be on her own, in the wood. She gave her baby an extra squeeze, thinking she is now...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, cat,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Kitty-Cat Conundrum
soft moccasin feet gleaming whiskers… deep green eyes whence that evil stare...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, cat, green, mystery,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Kitty Cat, Freddie Dog and Mealy Mouse- Nursery Rhyme
Kitty Cat and Freddie Dog were on a merry jaunt They were always together, a compatible pair, jocund As they strolled along, they had found In one corner of the compound, a raised mound Curious to know...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, 3rd grade, adventure, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Black Beauty Kitty Cat
I love black cats and have had a few, had one once with rare eyes of blue ! They have short or long velvety fur, and sometimes will run around in a blur ! Black cats are friendly,...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, beautiful, cat,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Fat City Kitty Cat
In Gentilly she reigns as Bastet, the daughter of Ra, An unrepentant drop of golden sun. Then come some rascal Baphomet, an outcast by law, A desperado conman on the run. She teased him with her laser pointer...Read the rest...
Categories: kitty cat, allegory, satire,
Form: Burlesque

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