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Kant Poems - Poems about Kant

Ode To Kant
If time is a prior assumption —all else falls into line (Villanova University: May, 2023)...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, philosophy, time,
Form: Free verse
Kant and God and Universe
I My dear brother Vijay Pandit inspired me to respond to a dialog here and EveryWhere II God or the Universe can expand itself / Oneself, out of love, Or Giving. III Love/God won't remain hidden for long; It will...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, creation, god, love, lust,
Form: Bio

A Bit of a Kant
I would write you words that would make you smile Of meadows and may flies and a love that lasted I would sing songs of beauty that would you, beguile If I weren’t such a miserable bastard. And I’d...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, humorous,
Form: Verse
This Nonestablishmentarian Iman Kant Riff
This nonestablishmentarian (Iman) kant riff! Otherwise titled as: Thanksgiving nothing more'n gobbledygook we stuff ourselves with. Mine suburban outpost approximately thirty seven plus miles southeast of where liberty bell marks history upon cobblestone streets where sounds of silence from walking...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, america, autumn, celebration, food,
Form: Rhyme
Following Kant
The course of the world shows itself to the cursor look ...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, allegory, allusion, appreciation, extended
Form: Prose Poetry

Philosophy G700d - I Kant Prove God
Immanuel Kant, changed the spelling of his name from Emmanuel to "Immanuel" to accord with its Hebrew meaning: "God is with us." So, this quintessential Enlightenment thinker - and Thomas Jefferson a little after...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, america, appreciation, bible, god,
Form: Didactic
Symphonic Quiescent Overture Maestro Kant Imitate
Symphonic Quiescent Overture – Maestro Kant Imitate (alternately titled: a retrospective review randomly selecting an outdated poem stored within Apple icloud queue methinks ye might might savor preview regarding general overview how yours truly dabbled with words where new sense...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, 12th grade, adventure, happiness,
Form: Free verse
It Kant Be That Bad
Trembling behind the words i use walking in someone else's shoes Where do you go when reality leaves bruises try to reach inside and pull away the pain that leeches to my frame hiding tears in coughs and laughs No one to tell no...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ethics
Ethics Taught accurately to account for each reward an exact amount a Kantian conscience reprehends a stray Romantic dividend. Publicly our just deserts are measured by our type of work. For what surgeons are forgiven clerks and watchmen go to prison. Few are ushered...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, jobs, motivation, success,
Form: Light Verse
Kant Always Be Truthful
To lie’s always wrong, Kant decreed. Very few were convinced by his screed, Seeing if he’d instead Held a gun to their head, They’d have shamelessly said they agreed....Read the rest...
Categories: kant, history, humorous, philosophy,
Form: Limerick
This Cynic Doth Dispel His Own Kant
Alarming heart wrenching (stabbing non-abating with genuine appall ling brutality) zing across screen, or in print exacerbating forcing, imposing viewer, and/or reader...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Kant and Buddha Meet Karma and Immanuel
Kant and Buddha meet Karma and Immanuel There underneath the fertile soil rests a karmic message Hewn into marble stone or written on a lonely cross Engraved or burnt on the Ganges maybe thrown from Life’s ultimate journey...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, death, love, moving on,
Form: Acrostic
Symphonic Quiescent Overture Maestro Kant Imitate
Tryouts starring musical prodigies  and/or an attendant conductor attempt to approach ambient chorus divinely exhibited from Gaia's handiwork heavenly invoking kapellmeister's magnificent nonchalant outlook piquantly, quintessentially, repertoire sensately striking unmatched vast wisdom yielding, zephyr air albeit creativity engineered...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, age, allegory, angst, confusion,
Form: I do not know?
My Interpretation of Kant
Critique of Pure Reason by Kant My Interpretation of Kant Wonder and Believe Sometimes what is rational To others is not. Analytical Opposite of rational; Balance in between. After hearing all of the politicians I am beginning to believe that a balance is no where in...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Why Kant You Tell Me the Time
Father time legendarily and Omni potently existentially linkedin, binding cradle to grave since advent of *****sapiens, the whiffed bald credo an employee most adhere ta have and keep source of income, subtly...Read the rest...
Categories: kant, change, day, history, philosophy,
Form: I do not know?

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