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Kama Poems - Poems about Kama

Kama Poems - Examples of all types of poems about kama to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for kama.

Premium Member The Kama Sutra By Granny Sutra
This was written for sheer fun, months ago! I did not have the courage to post it then,,, But I do now…Hope you enjoy this fantasy! ...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, dream, fantasy, feelings, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Translation of 'The Story' By Kama Nasser
The Story by Kamal Nasser loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch I will tell you a story ... a story that lived in the dreams of my people, a story that comes from the world of tents. It is a story...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, arabic, betrayal, christian, conflict,
Form: Free verse

Hen Do
Chandela sex in the temple Was certainly not so simple To hold a pose On tippy-toes Whilst Shiva handles a limb pull!...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, sensual,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Kama Sutra
Kama sutra The Sanskrit ancient text on making love, the seductive motions to reach bliss from all above. Rhymes and verses revealing hundredfold suggestions, the divinity of making love and no more questions. This poetical sentiment of romance is the...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, fantasy, sexy, spiritual,
Form: Ballade
Beer Sio Maziwa
Sijui ni wangapi wata'define my history, Wakitumia hii story. But kitu najua ni ati nkifa, maybe; Walevi ndo watachangisha doh kwa matanga, na maybe; Wengi watasema Marto alikuwa tanker. Na ukijaribu ksema marto alikuwa wa youth ya church, apo ndo MC atalenga iyo...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, art, break up, drink,
Form: Epyllion

Kama Sutra
Feeling to do Hands cry to handle the pain Hands touch the stone hard Hands slap the river of tears Hands hold the image of your Beauty Hands search the best time to think about...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, beautiful, fantasy, romance,
Form: Narrative
Kama Sutra Typos
We got tangled up in bed Our legs, hands, fingers, bodies Unnaturally twisted, intertwined All crazy angles… Why? Because of Kama Sutra typos!...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, relationship, satire, sensual,
Form: Concrete
Sisi Kama Sisi
Tatizo letu sisi kama sisi ni kwamba hatuna elimu lakini ni wajuaji Tatizo letu sisi kama sisi ni kwamba hatutaki kutembea bali kukimbia Tatizo letu sisi kama sisi ni kwamba hatushibi, Tunakula mpaka tunajamba Tuna...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, anger, anxiety,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Rondelet: Don'T Blame India, the Land of 64 Artful Kama-Sutra Positions
Rondelet: Don't blame India, the land of the 64 artful Kama-Sutra positions for the Punjabi Lady in an all-night jogging bus Don't blame India For a thousand three hundred years Don't blame India Bored by repetitive...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, passion,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Kama In Fusion
I blow light gale past her potent yearnings, Rave eyes skirting over unblemished skin, Silky fragile, creamy mask as sweat dew; Ferments deep intent in her naked undoing? Squeals with relish uttered sighs from lewd lips, Pure music echo in...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, life, sensual,
Form: Free verse
Political Kama Sutra
Lady, you were so far ahead in the last opinion poll but now all your rivals paint you like a bumbling fool. Well, you got it coming for the answer you had given to a very simple question...Read the rest...
Categories: kama, funny, parody, people, political,
Form: Didactic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry