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Kale Poems - Poems about Kale

Dale's Kale
Something came in the mail so i became pale but it was just a male named dale eating stale kale on sale found on a rail at yale but he failed and his female wearing...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, boy, drink, fate, food,
Form: Metrical Tale
Premium Member I Ate Kale Once
What could I eat today? I wonder. How about some kale? Suggests my roommate Under. I’d much rather eat live mice, or an ink pen or bird pooh off a tree. But I try not to say it,...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, food,
Form: Free verse

by Wayne Wysocki I'm eating kale to slim my waist Lord knows it's not because of taste It took some while to appreciate The leafy green I love to hate The fibrous queen of super foods Can satisfy nutrition prudes, And comes...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, food, health,
Form: Rhyme
Kale and Such
Green leaves tossed about No sugar, fat or flavour to shout You know you should eat it more But chewing rabbit food is such a chore Increase you life span by the week There will be no more red meat The...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, food, health,
Form: Ballad
Search the Real God Within You - Pratik Kale Poetry
??? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???.. ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????... ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?????-??????-???? ??? ???? ???... ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ????...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, community, faith, god, humanity,
Form: Free verse

Killer Kale
Part 3 She dropped the greens in a hurry sliding back on all fours desperate to get away from the vegetable that she couldn’t have seen move she was going crazy that was the only logical solution But somehow, she knew, this...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, anger, winter,
Form: ABC
Killer Kale
Part 2 Now they had to get revenge They crawled through the night the ground frozen from days without sun to the place where she had gone, her human skin not strong enough to live in the cold her mind...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, anger, winter,
Form: ABC
Killer Kale
Part 1 Summer days turned to winter wind chilling each who dared to venture out into the cold days and night the ones that robbed us of our warm sun and days of fun. The vegetables were dying starving for...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, anger, betrayal, cool, funny,
Form: ABC
The Land of Kale Much Maligned Nr
There's a land to visit in your dreams a place that really has, it seems, no Brussels sprouts or cauliflower, no cabbage, broccoli or sauer- -kraut or parsnips or broad beans, and where peas truly are the only greens. Spuds...Read the rest...
Categories: kale, childhood,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Holiday Kale
Steam just 'til leaves turn bright green. Toss with minced garlic, chopped olives (kalamata) grapeseed oil, almonds and fresh lemon juice. Feta topped. Yum! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am grateful for Chad, my new tattoo artist....Read the rest...
Categories: kale, food, holiday,
Form: Epulaeryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry