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Ja Poems - Poems about Ja

Ja Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ja to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ja.
Ja 'Quelle
When the lights go off When curtains are drawn When stillness settles here I lie thinking It is you swirling in me...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, lonely, lost love, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away
Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away... Excusing yourself as if... going to the bidet, an immense water closet (perhaps the size of Mar A Lago type getup), sans human waste (after flushing hearing heavenly suctioned whoosh) empties into prez Donald's bay, where one...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, adventure, conflict, destiny, farewell,
Form: Rhyme

Just Got My Second Ja
c'mon its the the end of the world as we know it and i feel fline...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Dream of a De Ja Vu Moment
The Dream of a De ja vu Moment David J Walker As if broken into a thousand pieces the poetic scenes of the night Make no sense until completed Dreams rehearsed first in the light As if selecting from...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Birthday the Calendar Speaks
My Birthday,The Calendar Speaks Since January 4, 1951********** (Written for the Shanks, the Youngs & Jim) “...Raging glory...Forever young...”. Bob Dylan ————————————————ttt———————————————————- The calendar speaks Of this day, seventy years ago, when I was born. Around 6 p.m.....Read the rest...
Categories: ja, birthday, blessing, destiny, god,
Form: Free verse

Ja You Are So Right
What temprate joy began with Such afterglow took away Once forensic dissertation dismantling the evidence sends When massaged vanity and guily platitudes are subsidised overcome by inertial reality As fraud is replaced and integrity lost Pondering the cost of what...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, slam,
Form: Free verse
The Cruelest Irony of Cancer Ja Pointed Out Ever So Succinctly
Is the cruelest of all cancers ironies ? Not that it is to be met or end in death ? Nor the suffering the disease itself inflicts ? On both the terminal and those left ? But rather how it...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, slam,
Form: Free verse
Ja E Ja
Estações O inverno é uma gravura, a primavera é uma aquarela, o verão é uma pintura a óleo e o outono é um mosaico de todos eles. Em todos os tempos, desde sempre nos dias de outono, cada estrada é...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, business,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unkle Ja Maz---
He was a lyricist Who wrote his words down on toilet paper, paper towels, or torn up cardboard boxes Just jotting down writing on anything that’s lying around Always had/has pen or pencil in his hair Always jotting...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, analogy, appreciation, character, hip
Form: Free verse
Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away
Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away... Excusing yourself as if... going to the bidet, an immense water closet (perhaps the size of Mar A Lago type getup), sans human waste (after flushing) empties into prez Donald's bay, where one bum wrapped aforementioned toilet finely...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, abuse, betrayal, deep, environment,
Form: Political Verse
De Ja Une
Lust made me look at her Love means i can never look away...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member De Ja Vu
Lyrics are timed to music Out there - a distant shore I’ve seen your face before It’s De’ja`vu with thoughts of you Then feelings of a loss, come tomorrow Sometime - another place I’ve seen - your smiling face It’s De’ja'vu...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, dance, lost love, romance,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Ekphrasis Tercet Ja P and P
Brooding passion ' neath pride..a prejudice D'arcy could not hide hear me recite from my 4100+ PS anthology on youtube under my pen name ichthyschiro.. catch my shortforms @strandport on twitter .. read my kindle guides on amazon...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, books, film, writing, prejudice,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member A Castle of Temptation - Collab With Ja Fraser
A CASTLE OF TEMPTATION Proudly standing amidst three lochs, verdant hills a Castle enciente breathing beauty but sadly chants passed feuds sparking battles having harried their foe and it's demise caused by Frigates cannonball screams. Colonel MacRae-Gilstrap rebuilds now...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, beautiful, england, history, spanish,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blossoms and Bubbles - a Collab With Ja Fraser
BLOSSOMS and BUBBLES From aggregate supple stellar petals' smile, spring fragrance bubble spiral free in the air, their porcelain blossoms dash perfection flair; suitors bee, beguile the flower by buzzing style, the blooms' fingers rush to blushes beyond compare. Bard...Read the rest...
Categories: ja, beautiful, flower, imagery, inspiration,
Form: Sonnet

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